SCV Connected

Between Spreadsheets with Kelli Marshall

February 01, 2022 Kelli Marshall Season 1 Episode 1
Meet our SCV neighbor, Kelli Marshall.

"I have worked in finance for nearly 15 years and about 10 years ago (after the birth of my first son) I decided to start my own business consulting with individuals, families, and small business owners.

One of my true joys is helping individuals and families learn how to budget, set financial goals, and how to achieve those goals. I work to help people address the very common problem of, "I just don't know where my money goes!" By working with me and learning my techniques and methods of managing personal finances, the level of financial stress of my clients is significantly reduced and instead of worrying, more time and energy can be spent focusing on achieving financial goals (i.e. being debt-free) and growing personal wealth. It doesn't matter how much money you have, all money should be budgeted and managed.

I also truly enjoy working with small business owners. Small business owners are BUSY and they should be spending their time focusing on their geniuses, not bogged down by the day-to-day management of their business finances. By working with me, I take the responsibility, stress and time-consuming work of managing the business's finances, saving the business owner time and money! I also specialize in teaching and setting up a "Profit First" methodology for small business owners. They should be paying themselves first!

If I’m not helping others with their finances, I'm driving my wonderful husband a bit nutty, chasing my 3 kids and unruly puppy around, or cheering on the L.A. Dodgers."

Real People, Real Dreams, Real Life in Santa Clarita.

This is Santa Clarita Connected.