SCV Connected

Breaking Barriers - Best Friends, Small Business Owners and Diversity in Santa Clarita

January 15, 2024 Brittney Armstead and Tameika Fulton Season 3 Episode 1

In this captivating episode of the SCV Connected Podcast, we delve into the lives of Tameika Fulton and Brittany Armstead, best friends who have turned their bond into a thriving business venture. As small business owners in the Santa Clarita Valley, they bring a unique perspective on entrepreneurship, the power of friendship in business, and the importance of diversity in the professional sphere.

Their journey from colleagues at Princess Cruises to successful business partners is not just inspiring but also a testament to their dedication and hard work. In our engaging conversation, we explore the challenges and triumphs they've faced, their approach to balancing friendship with business, and their passion for cheerleading.

This episode, commercial-free as a token of appreciation for your time, is a must-listen for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, community building, or simply the fascinating dynamics of a friendship that flourishes in a professional setting. Don't miss this insightful and heartwarming discussion on the SCV Connected Podcast. Remember to like, subscribe, and share to keep us going!

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SCV Connected With Remedy

 [00:00:00] Welcome to another exciting episode of the SCV Connected podcast, where we bring you inspiring stories from the heart of our community. Today, we're thrilled to have not just one, but two extraordinary guests, Tamika Fulton and Brittany Armstead, best friends, small business owners. To show our appreciation for your time.

This episode is completely commercial free. So please like, and subscribe. Give us all five of those stars and share this episode on your social networks. Our conversation today is long overdue. We're diving into what it's like to juggle the roles of being best friends, business partners, and the nuances of diversity and the vibrant world of cheerleading.

So fun fact here, guys, we were all colleagues at Princess Cruises. Tamika, I'm going to go ahead and coin you as one of the most hardworking and driven individuals I've ever met. Thank you. We had desks right next to each other and I will tell you this girl is like the Energizer Bunny on steroids.

Oh my gosh. So where does that drive come from? , initially I think it just comes from my, just work ethic. But [00:01:00] today I think it's more driven by, our cheerleaders, the athletes that we have. Really? Yeah. Go ahead and tell me, ladies, what does cheerleading mean to you? Was it part of your community growing up? Like, why, why cheerleading? So I started cheering when I was about four. Okay. And I cheered all the way up through high school. Absolutely loved it. I met some of the best, bestest friends. I was Tell them before we started. I've been with my high school cheer team for 19 years now.

Out of high school. So every year we get together and we still have that sisterhood. So that's something that we That's really special. It is. And it's amazing that we keep it going. Yeah. And I just hope that these kids, this program that we are developing, those type of relationships are built and continued throughout their lives.

For sure. There's no doubt about it. Yeah. It's amazing. We see some. Like, every year there's like, Oh, so and so is sleeping over so and so's house. They didn't know each other before they Met each other at Remedy Athletix. So it's [00:02:00] just cool that they're developing those friendships and those bonds. It's awesome.

That's great. And you're giving every girl the opportunity to put on the outfit and support each other and encourage each other to be part of a team. Yeah. And the confidence when they put on that outfit. Yes! I love it. Can you share like a story about that? Do you see them light up? We do. So we have, it's the best thing that I can tell you is when we start a season, we have some girls who are, you know, not in the best of shape or, you know, kind of, you can see that they're like, you know, not confident.

And we're working out intensely in the very beginning, you know, doing conditioning, what is that called? Like like a hell week, but something like that. Not really a hell week, but maybe a hell month. It's like hell week on steroids. It's like the summer getting prepped and ready to make sure that these girls are strong to be lifting up other girls.

And you start seeing their bodies like change and you're like, it's like, wow. She's dropped this weight. She's now like toned and you can start seeing them. Like now they're wearing sports bras to [00:03:00] practice when before they're wearing these oversized shirts. And it's like, I don't care what your body looks like.

Be confident in however you are. We tell them that all the time they come in and they have on like their t shirts and the, and we're like, listen, you love yourself the way you are. Be who you want to be. We have girls. Big and small. They have their sports bras on. They, they get in there and they do their thing because we're here to work.

Right. And we always make sure to tell the girls, listen, we don't talk about other people, this is how you are and you're going to love yourself the way you are. Oh, dang. I like that. Yep. Yeah. So is it all, females Predominantly. Okay. But we would love males. Yeah.

This season we've had all females. We've had one season where we had one male. Okay. And they just fit right in too, right? It's all about just working, working hard. Exactly. Yes. We teach them to love each other, love themselves most importantly. So. That is one of like the biggest like accomplishments that we've seen is giving these girls that confidence and that is such amazing to see as they grow.

Even, you know, just [00:04:00] confidence with their bodies and then confidence with their personalities. Like we get some people that they're a little Hermit crabs where they just stay in their shells and they're so quiet. And then at the end of the season, we're like, stop talking. Why are you over there talking?

Who is that? And they're like, her. But it's cool because they're coming out of their shell and they're in, they're comfortable. So, they start talking. Let's talk a little bit about the program you guys offer. So, are you on the road traveling and going to different competitions? Are you primarily like in house?

Is this sideline cheer? Is this tumbling? We offer anywhere from 5 to 18. But it is not based on your age. So you can have a class that has a 5 year old with a 16 year old.

It's all based on skill. Okay. So we offer basic tumbling all the way through to level 2 tumbling. Level 2 tumbling meaning back handsprings. And then the beginning of tucks. And can I just sign up just for tumbling? Yes. Yes. Oh nice. Absolutely. Do you have girls that [00:05:00] come from other organizations that just like want to focus on tumbling?

Like Sideline. So Sideline ends. Can I come to you? Absolutely. Yeah. That's great. You don't discriminate where you come from. We'll take you. Yep. That's good. Okay. Yeah. We have some girls who transition from sideline to competitive cheer or they feel like, Oh, I'm not, I don't know if I'm ready. So I'm going to take a class and get the feel for it because we offer cheer classes as well.

Okay. Basic cheer classes, introductory to cheer. And they're like, Oh, okay. I think I can do this. And then we take the class over and we show them team or the competitive cheer. And they're like, Oh, okay. Ooh, I want to do that. Yeah. So they get all excited. Yeah. So we have girls transition from everywhere.

Yeah. So, tumbling, cheer classes, and then our competitive team. So, we're not sidelined. We don't cheer for football or any sports. It's strictly competitive and we do travel. The furthest we're going this season is Vegas. Her goal is to go to Florida. We're going to Florida. Oh my gosh. We're going to Florida.

That's like a whole other level of bonding, I'm sure. That's when we have the best of times, [00:06:00] is when we go away. Yeah. The girls love staying in hotels. So it's a whole nother experience outside of what we do on a normal. But when we start traveling and going to competition, that's a whole nother ballgame.

Yeah. I can talk your ear off, and like, I want to hear all about cheer. But let's transition to , you guys are best friends. What's it like going from a large corporation to now you own your own small business? I'll start with the best friend thing. The thing that I love about Brittany is she's also driven and insane, but.

I don't care if it's like, I'm gonna buy a pencil. Are you okay if we buy this pencil? Every little thing. So we talk about everything. We communicate all the time. We're on the phone all the time. Our husbands are like, My husband the other day said, You didn't talk to Brittany today. I said, I text her though.

So we just talk all the time. And I think that, no matter what it is, good or bad, talk about it. Talk about it. Cause we're not, we don't always agree. Yeah, I was gonna say, do you always agree? [00:07:00] No. No. A lot of compromise. A lot of compromise. On your part? Whose part? On my part. I'm like, fine, do whatever.

We're both very like, high maintenance creative? High maintenance creative. Extra. That's the word that I'm trying to get to. Extra. We're very extra and wanting to like just make everything amazing. And so sometimes you have to dial back and sometimes I have to like pull her back.

I call that like champagne dreams on a beer budget. Yeah, that's exactly . No, it's so true though.

Because At like work you could go use the stapler, you don't think twice of like how much are those staplers costing, like the staples, the this, the that, like if you go walk over to the copy machine, but when you own your own small business, there's no IT person to call if the copy machine's not working or you need a registration platform, so.

Yeah, this year we transitioned to a different platform to manage classes and the, tuition, you know, that's a whole other ballgame. There's a fee associated with that, you know, so. Do you each have like your own roles, [00:08:00] like someone does more back end, someone does more like front of the house, or?

I feel like she does everything. I feel like she does a lot. Stop. She does a lot of the front, but she does a lot of front end, like, so the classes that we offer, that's all her. And I don't feel that I would be able to justify those classes and give it what she gives. So that's her thing. Like, like you said, she's the Energizer Bunny.

She is. I think I remember when you, this was in conceptualization, like you were thinking about this and it hadn't I don't know if it's come to fruition quite yet, but I would hear you like We were looking for Central Park, remember? We were trying to find somewhere to do a free camp, remember? Right, right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I told you, oh, you gotta get in, like, Seasons brochure, and Yep, yep. And I went to her, and I'm like, I want to get in the Seasons catalog. And she's like Have at it. Enjoy. Go do it. And I'm like, okay, they're going to call us. He's like, okay. And then I'm like, we're in the season catalog.

She's like, yes. So tell me about seasons. Like, has that helped your business? Has it your business like grown too fast from that? Did you get any business at all? Like, what would you say to someone maybe that is thinking about getting into the [00:09:00] seasons brochure to promote their recreational activity? I am very, very, very grateful for, catalog.

It has helped our business tremendously. People who hadn't heard of Remedy Athletix Cheer and Dance now. see it. They took a chance. They joined the class. They come, their children love it. Their athletes come after class. They're like, can we stay five more minutes? Like they want to do it. Like, can we do it one more time with the music?

Like they're really excited about it. And I love every time I start the class. The kids come in like we talked about with team and they're like really shy and her mom's like, she, one young lady the other day, her mom says she's really not shy and by the end of class, she's like, excuse me, can we do this after?

I'm like, absolutely we can. So it's just really, it's nice. So I really appreciate, the City of Santa Clarita Seasons Catalog. It really helps us. It does. That's good. And where are you guys located at? It's the Santa Clarita Athletic Club.

We actually, turned in one of the racquetball courts to our gym. Okay. But we have quickly [00:10:00] outgrown that space and we are hoping that we can partner with the city of Santa Clarita and get a bigger space. Any, by any means necessary, we do need a bigger space to help our program grow and really thrive.

I think that's our biggest downfall right now is that we don't have a full floor. So it's a, it's a detriment. Yeah, we can't grow. Okay, so you heard it here first. If there's any like business owners out there Yeah, please. Looking for a new building space. No, but that's a good problem. I mean, you're growing, so that's good.

Right, you're right. Boys and girls out here in the community that want, um, Want to do tumbling you want to do cheer and there's families that want options, right? I remember when we first Looked at that racquetball court. We were like, absolutely. This is enough room. And by season two, we were like, this isn't enough room.

Not season two, but year two. We were like, we can't fit. We don't fit in here any longer. So yeah, you're right. It's a good problem to have, but it would be really nice if we could find a space that even just fit a full floor at this point. We just need to be able to. [00:11:00] It's out there. Come on. We'll call someone from like Westfield.

We know that there's like spots in there. Donate some spaces. Discounted space. Right. We will take it. Okay. So let's talk about diversity as well and you're good friends of mine. This is long overdue of three mamas coming to the table to talk about diversity, what does that mean to you? Diversity in business and how. Are you accomplishing that goal? I, I think us as black women, we bring diversity to Santa Clarita.

 There aren't a lot of African American families here in Santa Clarita. So I like that, , we're able to blend in with the world. And people, , come to us and they say, This is great or we love your program. And it brings a little bit more. Flavor, I guess, to the table. Yeah. When we go to these competitions, you can, it's predominantly, you see blonde hair.

You know what I mean? And what we wanted to bring is that the girls that look like [00:12:00] us to know that you have a place in this sport too. You know, and we welcome anybody. But for sure, as black business owners, we want those athletes to look like us to know like you have a spot here we can do and accomplish the same thing that you see out there that you see on TV advertised or, you know, the competitions that you see on TV, we're not represented, you know, usually right and That's what we want to bring, you know, just I have I have two daughters.

She has a daughter. We wanted them to experience That's the whole reason we started this actually really 2018 yes, I remember going to her desk and I'm like, hey You want to coach cheer again? Stop. So this was your idea about like coaching and Oni, or tell me how this started. Yeah. Really? Yeah. So at Princess.

Cause I sat right next to Tamika. You did. So to me it was like, dang, Tamika's like on fire. She like crushes her day job and is like now starting this cheer business. I went over to her desk and I sat there. Very reluctantly. And yes, I sat there and I go, Hey, you want to coach? Yeah. Absolutely [00:13:00] not. And I'm like, come on, you know, the girls

and she was like, no, I'll go see Sign her up at the team out here and I was like, well, I can't afford that. So like we need another option. So we started out actually in pop Warner, which is cheer for football, right? We did one season. My girls are young, so I'm like, okay, I'm learning all this. So we started out with sideline cheer we were like, Hey, let's start, let's start our own.

And remedy was born because we were like, you know what, we always are able to find a solution. We got the Remedy. That's how Remedy was born. I love that. Let's always figure it out. No matter what, good, bad, or indifferent, we're going to figure it out. We're going to figure it out. Yeah. We will, we will have the remedy.

And I remember sitting. In a, in a conference room and we looked at each other and we're like, what are we going to do? And I'm like, we, we had all these names jotted down on a piece of paper. And then Brittany's like, I have an idea. And I'm like, okay. And she like pulls out her prescription bottle.

She's like, what if it's, what if we call it Remedy [00:14:00] Athletics or Remedy All Stars? It was Remedy All Stars at that time. And I said, yeah, duh. And she's like, right. Cause we always have. And I was like, genius, genius. And that's where it was born. Dang. That's really cool. Inclusion, how do you do that with your programs? 

We strive to make everything affordable. So we do our research. What are, what are other teams offering? What is their price point? Like apparel. If you go through these companies like varsity and glitter stars, it's expensive to get uniforms. People are out there paying 500 for a uniform.

Yeah. Yeah. How much is it? How much do you guys charge for uniforms? So ours are like 150. Stop. How? What? Because we have the remedy. Oh yeah. We just did a lot of research. I went online and I went to her and I said, Hey, I found this uniform company, right? And she, I'm gonna make you laugh, and she's like, What if we get it and it's like Barbie size?

Because it can't be this cheap, right? [00:15:00] And I'm like, right. So we ordered a few samples. We got some things. We like the quality. She's like, Oh my goodness. And I'm like, right. Yeah. So we're able to, we do a lot of research because we want to be able to offer those things and not charge 500. Right. Right. And look good though.

They look good. Yes, and that was the biggest thing like how do we get a uniform that looks like everybody because one thing that we don't want Is to be this underdog program who is affordable and then we go out to these competitions and they're like, yeah, you could tell that they're affordable. You get what you pay for.

So that was the biggest goal like hey, we if we're gonna do this it has to look good I want to look like everybody else. Right. If not better. And in our case, we're a little, we're a little bit. Of course, you know what? Because it's not necessarily about the uniform. It's like about the coaching dynamic too.

Like if you have strong coaches and everyone's getting along on the team and you can't just be changing the dance routine like the day before. So you feel that synergy. Now then your girls will like [00:16:00] shine and that's great. Yeah, so we, we are able to offer affordability because We do our research.

We take out the middleman a lot of the time. So like we do a lot of our own apparel so that they're not paying, you know, , just to afford this. We always say, we want you to be able to afford to eat. Right. We don't want our parents picking groceries or do I have to pay your tuition?

You know, this month. So we never want that. I'm going to be honest, cheer is an expensive sport. So where we can find affordability, we're going to do that so that our parents are comfortable. One of my goals this year is to find us grants so that we can so we know that, right, we have kids that they can't afford it.

 And we want to be able to say, hey, your kid is awesome and I know they love this sport. So next year we want to pay half of the tuition or we want to be able to pay the tuition. Oh my gosh, what a blessing to be able to do that. We would love to do that. So we're looking, I'm looking into that right now.

I do the back end stuff but she does a lot of that kind of stuff and I'm like Go ahead Take care I you just [00:17:00] don't stop when you get a no or like if you see you never Make a number like no.

Yeah, if someone ever Here's one thing about me. If you tell me no, I'm going to figure it out. Ooh, I love that. I just, I can't. Especially if it's something that I really want. Right. Like, oh, can I have a sip of your coffee? And you say no. I'm like, okay, that's fine. I'll go buy my own coffee. Can you, can we afford that 500 uniform?

No. Okay. We'll go find a cheaper one. Right. So I just figured it out. Oh, that's good. I'm driven by no. Oh my Gosh. Someone tells me no. I'm like, oh, okay. Okay. I try to tell her no. She'll come and be like, So I did a, I did a thing and I'm like, I told you no, but I was able to do it. I don't did it at all. Or, you know, what I hate is, but I paid for it.

I got it. I got it. And I'm like, don't do that. So what's the future of Remedy Athletix? I mean, are [00:18:00] your kids still in cheer or what if they outgrow this is Remedy then done. No, so I, I joke and I tell Tamika, Hey, we're going to be doing this until I can't say five, six, seven, eight anymore.

So, so if I'm old and in a wheelchair coaching and you know, I, I don't think that Remedy will be done even, like, my daughter is seven in the program, and I want this for her, you know, I had an older daughter who kind of grew, yeah, her skills grew out of what we could offer at the time, her daughter is amazing.

I'm still trying. I told her she has to sign this contract to stay until she's 18 because one thing that the athletes don't realize, like you can stay until you're 18, but some go and go to high school, but it's a totally different. Experience when you go to high school. Yeah, sideline versus competitive.

So in five years, I'm hoping that we have a bigger gym. Yes. I'm hoping that this is our full time job. Yes. Because what we're given Remedy [00:19:00] now, if we were focused on this 100 percent off, you guys couldn't stop us. Yeah. Wow. If we, if someone gave us money today and said, I'm going to give you this amount of money, right?

And you have to make it last for the next five years. And it included our salaries, and we could afford our gym, and a heartbeat I'd leave. It's just that leap of faith that I'm afraid to take. But I know that if we did, we could be so successful. There's so many classes that If I had it, I'd sign a check.

There's nobody else. I would totally bet on you. Like, you guys are so driven. No, seriously. So driven. Yeah. Like there's no doubt about it. You'll be successful. And so if there's anyone listening today, maybe you're driving along and you need to donate some money and you need Yeah. To make a donation. You can sponsor a child that, I mean, that's so Yeah.

Would be so reward to sponsor a child. Yes. Or you can sponsor this business that's gonna be flourishing in Santa Clarita before we know it. Yes. 'cause you know, we don't stop just to cheer. Like there's, there's so many things that we wanna do. 

I really want to have a full [00:20:00] program where we can Make sure that the athletes are healthy and make sure that they're having a healthy meal. Like it's not, it doesn't just stop at cheer. I want it to be something huge. Great. And one thing that we know with coaching, like one thing that we know with coaching, like it's people think that coaching is all like cleaning a routine and five, six, seven.

There there's, you know, we mentor these kids where they're therapists, you know? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Tell me about that. Any examples that come to mind or we just find out things kids come to us and talk to us about things Some things warrant talking to a parent and some things just warrant. They just needed to tell us something and It's it's actually it makes me feel good that they feel comfortable enough to come to us and talk to us about those kinds Of things.

Oh my gosh. Yes. I mean I could probably tell my kid the same thing But when I say it, it's different than if you say it. Absolutely. That's so great. I can tell my daughter something and then [00:21:00] she'll be like, whatever. And then Brittany will say, do this. And I'm like, I just said that a different way. What?

That's what you, you said it in a different way as a parent. What I think is neat though, you're talking about partnerships and like growing in the community and being like Well rounded and it really reminded me of you guys do a lot of community events like you do things for your families You guys have events.

I remember you partnered with black and blue and you did You're always looking for business partners, oh, yeah Because we like to do events We like to partner with small businesses in Santa Clarita because we feel like we're a small business in Santa Clarita So we try to partner I was just gonna say, you know, what makes us different is we don't just focus on hitting the mat.

We want to provide families and the girls with a great experience. So we love to do events. Like my husband is like, you guys are party planners with cheer on the side. I'm like, no, but we want to [00:22:00] make sure that they have a good time. Like our goal is to make sure that they have a memorable experience. So whatever we could do for that, we're going to do it.

And we're going to make sure that you remember that event, whether you're with us for one season or several, you're going to. Remember us and that opens your doors to the community we didn't walk into Remedy Athletix, but we walked into the pancake breakfast. 

Slater's 50 50. We just partnered with them, , for our holiday. Our holiday party.

 We had our holiday party on their patio. Stop. Yeah. That's great that they did that. The owner was amazing to, to work with us. He's great. And we had the whole patio. The Grinch came through. Santa Claus came through. We had a DJ. People walking through. , outside was stopping looking, you know, we had a DJ, so everyone's like, Oh, is this how it is every Sunday?

We're like, I don't know. I don't know. This is Remedy's DJ. They thought it was like a brunch thing and they were like, Oh, that's fun. They were like, I'm going to go next Sunday. And we're like, Ooh, it's going to be different. Remedy has touched the building. So it's different. Oh, that's awesome. All right. 

So can any kid join that wants to join, [00:23:00] sign up for classes, you don't have to have skills. Like if it's your first time and you're like, I want to see even it doesn't have to be classes. If you come to us with no experience and you want to be on the comp team, we're going to teach you everything that you need to know.

We're going to push you to, you know. We're going to push you to your limits. That's the one thing I can say about our coaching style. We're tough, but we love hard and anybody can do it. You know, anyone, we accept anyone just because we're black business owners. We don't discriminate. So not at all. That's good. We'd love to see more of any race in our program. We just want more kids. Right now we have 37 athletes. Okay. Yeah. Which is, you know, it's okay. But when we talk about wanting a bigger space Yeah. And being able to afford, right, right. We have to have a consistent amount of kids coming through.

But the problem is people don't know who Remedy Athletix is. You know, so, and not only that, it's, even if we had, we wouldn't even be able to house at this time. Right. [00:24:00] 175. Athletes because of our space. Okay. It all goes back to space. If we had more space we could accommodate more athletes. I think what you're saying is you need to quit your jobs and No, I'm just kidding.

I need to jump on, I need to jump out on faith. I was just telling someone actually yesterday because we practiced at somebody else's location and I'm like I think I just need to jump on faith and, and do this. And the community will support you. 100%. I would pray and hope so. We have a great program, you know, so no one does it like we do.

There may be a hundred cheer programs in Santa Clarita, but no one does it like Remedy Athletix. I just didn't even know that that was an option, for tumbling too. Cause when I think of tumbling, I think I have to go into a gymnastics studio. My kids didn't want to learn the bars and the beam.

They wanted to just focus on like a backhand spring. And that's exactly what we offer. Yeah. That's great. And the difference is through our tumbling classes. Like we have goals in mind. [00:25:00] So, you know, when you go into a gymnastics gym and this is not to knock them, it's gymnastics. So tumbling is a part of it.

When you come to our tumbling, like we are like, you need X, Y, and Z because if you are on our team, you need that back walkover in a level one, you need a back handspring and level two back tuck and level three. So it's like, we're pushing you. To get those skills and just those skills so that you can progress.

So we're not going to like. Lollygag and be like, okay, yeah, good job. Like, no, we're going to, we're going to push. Yes. And that's what some of the parents that come to us, they're like, you know, I'm just not seeing results.

We're going to push because we want those results because you know what? We want you to have that back walk over so that we can be like, Hey, we have this spot on this team. We need your back walk over. Yeah. So our tumbling is a little different because it's progressive in pushing you to get those skills.

Yeah. Yeah. At an affordable cost. Ooh, I like it. Okay, so we're asking listeners if they're listening today and they want more information or they want to sign up, where's the best place to go?[00:26:00] They can go to our website, www. remedyathletix. Com, and athletics is spelled A T H L E T I X. So they don't have to wait for the season's brochure to drop? No. Oh, no. No. So they want Questions, concerns. We got your answers.

And if you give him a call, just mention you heard about Remedy from SCV Connections. Yes, please, please. We would love to know that. Yes. Is there anything that maybe you want to add that we didn't already touch on? Whether it's cheerleading, um, diversity, best friends, like your story of how you got involved in this.

I would say a lot of people would go against going into business with your best friends. 

But I would say as long as you have that dynamic of, you know, like, You're not going to always agree. Go for it because it's more enjoyable. Yeah. You know what I mean? Right? You're probably spending so much time together. Oh, yeah. You might as well be with someone you like.

As long as you're able to compromise and know that, you know, it's okay for her to have a different opinion. Let's see how we [00:27:00] can meet in the middle and make each other happy. Right, right. So I would tell anybody who's thinking about it. Go for it. Go for it. Um, it seems like it's easy to keep the kids in mind too as like for the programming and your decision making because you have kids.

You're not just like a business owner that can't relate to like having children, but you, you know what that's like. Yeah. You want the best for, for your children. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. And we always think about it because we have kids. So. We're able to think of, at this point, anyone who joins our program, you also become our kid.

Yeah. You know, so we want the best for them their best interest is always up there. Yes. For example, we have a parent who can't make it to Vegas because they have a huge family trip that they've been planning for like a year.

So her daughter, she's trusting me with her daughter. And I said, when your daughter's with me, she's my daughter too. I said, and I, I really appreciate that you trust me to take your daughter to another state. Her daughter's eight. Wow. Yeah. Right. [00:28:00] She's not like a teenager. Right. So it's, again, we're friends become family.

It's really nice that we have that dynamic. That's good. Yeah. And if that is one of the pros of being, a group of 37. Like you really know each other. We do. You know your girls. And I like you. Yeah, that's good. One thing we, we tell them, I'm like, just like sisters, I fought all the time with my sister.

So, sometimes you're not gonna agree, you're not gonna, you know, but we teach respect. So if you're not getting along today, that's okay, but you're gonna respect each other. Right. You know, and, you know, we preach kindness, you're gonna be kind to one another. Somebody might come in, you don't know what happened prior to them walking through those gym doors.

Right, right. Be kind. If, if anyone's listening, you got a kid who's struggling with something like this is a safe environment that we really want to open up to anybody who is struggling with their confidence, who is struggling to make friends. That is where we come in. You know, I can't make someone be someone's friend, but it gives them the [00:29:00] opportunity and the space to, you know, we spend a lot of time with each other.

So nine times out of 10, you're going to become friends. Yesterday, four girls were in a jeep, all going to a sleepover after practice. It's a sisterhood that they just grow into. Right. They probably didn't even know each other before. They didn't. So cool. They didn't. No. Wow. I love it.

Okay, so Remedy Athletix. Where can guests find you on Instagram? Is it Instagram, Facebook? Are you on TikTok? Like where's the best social media? They're on TikTok. We have IG, which is at Remedy Athletics.

Our TikTok is remedyathletics18 and we'll put all of that stuff in the show notes so you can link and find the website and everything like that. That covers everything for today. Thank you so much for your time. Yes, I really appreciate the opportunity.

Definitely. Thank you. 

That wraps up our incredible, inspiring episode with Tamika Fulton and Brittany Armstead. The journey as best friends, business owners, and navigating through the realms of cheerleading and diversity exemplifies their passion and perseverance.

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