SCV Connected

Samantha Welch | Helping Moms Make Strides in Fitness, Motherhood, and Life

March 30, 2023 Samantha Welch Season 2 Episode 8


My guest today is a local community health and wellness expert here in Santa Clarita, CA. She’s super passionate about pre and post-natal fitness and lives the FIT4MOM mission statement every day, “helping moms make strides in fitness, motherhood, and life.” This mompreneur is on a mission to help mamas in our community find strength in motherhood and live life empowered.

Please welcome our neighbor Samantha Welch!

Samantha Welch in her own words: “Hey I'm Samantha, wife to Michael and Mama to two fierce little girls, Parker and River. I've worn many hats throughout my life but Motherhood is by far the hardest but in the best way. These days you can catch me trying to look composed as I run a small fitness franchise, raise my kiddos, and find time for self-care. Prior to becoming a business owner and Mom I was working full-time in the film industry, decorating sets for television. Honestly, It was a career that I worked my butt off to get into, it was a 6 figure job with amazing benefits and I was good at it! When Parker, my oldest daughter, came into the world, the passions in my heart shifted from becoming an Emmy-winning decorator to being a Mom! My heart was now outside of my body and I needed to make a shift.

During my maternity leave, I found an amazing fitness program that was tailored to moms who could work out with their kiddos in tow, It was called FIT4MOM. I was so scared to go to the first class that I had Michael come sit on the bench at the park just in case Parker was crying or something (postpartum anxiety is real y'all). I signed up for a membership and started going to classes as often as I could, it became a routine for Parker and me to head to the park. She would often nap in the stroller while I was able to workout, but it was more than that; I was able to have conversations with other women who were going through similar situations and phases of life that I was, and I was able to have a new form of self-care and a bonding experience for me and my daughter. I had instant community and a village that was with me through everything, including the diagnosis of a rare disease in my youngest daughter, River. I never felt alone, FIT4MOM was there to lift me up and hold me close (even during the pandemic mind you) When I was offered the opportunity to take over the franchise I almost didn't hesitate, I didn't know the first thing about running a business but I knew a lot about leadership, mom life, and fitness. So I jumped in, and it's been a hell of a ride, but for sure one worth waiting in line for!”

Fit4Mom  is the country's largest fitness program for moms offering pre and post-natal fitness classes for every stage of motherhood. They help moms achieve their ultimate potential, both physically and emotionally, and offer support and education for moms. To learn more about FIT4MOM locations across the country click HERE

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to the SCV Connected podcast with my mom 

 I'm here with Samantha Welch from Fit4Mom.   

Fit4Mom, is exercise, companionship, and support. 

Sam, how did we get here? Oh God. Involved with this Fit4Mom. Well, I became a mom. Right. Okay. Step one. Yeah.

 So I had Parker. Mm-hmm. , my first daughter. And when I was like, I was about five weeks postpartum when I went to Fit4Mom. . I think it was a Google search.  Postpartum fitness or what can I do? Or some, some kind of search, right? Mm-hmm.

and somehow I found them and was going back and forth cause of course I couldn't even work out being like only two or three weeks postpartum. Mm-hmm. . So it was one of those things, like a light at the end of the tunnel. Like, okay, when I get clearance from my doctor, I can go work out. . Nice. So they had,  a manager named Stacy at the time, and I remember just like I was messaging her back and forth asking questions, I was so nervous, oh, though, like, so my postpartum depression was like off the charts, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety.

And I said to Stacy, the only way that I'm coming to class is if I can bring my husband with me.  and it's like moms working out, right? There's no husbands. Most of the husbands are like working, you know, and she's like, okay. And I'm like, yeah, I just, I just want him to sit on the park bench,  and just because if my baby cries, I won't know what to do.

 What I've found now from owning it kind of flash forward is. . I am not the only one who feels that nervous to start something like this. Your life has been turned upside down. You have a new baby. You're anxious and nervous. You know your body's different. You wanna meet mom friends, but. , you don't know who they are and it's just so overwhelming.

You're so right. 

The first step, honestly, is the hardest step. Getting your body.  out of the house and to the park for the very first workout. And I  like I thank God that I went, honestly. Yeah. Because what I found there was, women who understood what I was going through.  If my baby was crying, no one was like looking at me or like, God, shut, shut this baby up. You know? People were like, oh, how old is she? Oh my gosh, she's so cute. Oh, okay. You know, and you could put your baby in a carrier or you could nurse your baby like in the middle of class, right?

Like, you could just like stop working out.  The instructors would offer to like, hold my baby if I wanted to continue working out, if my baby was crying and just like, oh my gosh. Okay, so you're my new people, right? And.  and that's where it started. I was just a member for a little over a year. Okay. So I just, I kept going, to classes.

And I do remember though finding out who the owner was.  I went to high school with her and  I remember thinking like, oh my gosh, she started this. That is so cool. Like, I wish I would've thought.

and then finding out later, it's actually a franchise. She didn't start it, but she owned this particular location and, she reached out to me in the beginning of 2019, and she was like, look, I'm ready to sell and focus on what I was doing for my college degree. Are you interested in buying?

And I'm like, Yes. , but like what? Yeah, but okay. I am, let me talk to my husband. Right. Don't offer it to anybody else. Right, right. Like, let me just talk to my husband really quick. And then the rest is kind of history. So let's elaborate on that a little more. Did you always see yourself in health and wellness?

Actually, yes. You did. So, okay. I always dreamed of doing,  like kinesiology. Okay. And being in sports medicine and traveling with like a sports team. Mm-hmm. ,  or something along those lines. Like, okay. You know, so health, wellness,  medic medicine. I was like, should I be a nurse? Like that kind of thing.

Mm-hmm. . And then ironically I went to college for interior design, which I've always loved too. That's just what I chose to do with my life. Mm-hmm. . So when it came back, it was kind of like, oh, okay. Like full circle of Right. What I've always been interested in. 

What's one thing, that you didn't expect? Well, I'd never owned a business, so really I didn't expect any of it. . , I was like, it was, , it was hard. Mm-hmm. , it's still hard, but I would say for the first six months I was just like in this overwhelm of learning procedures and how to create my website. Mm-hmm. , how to run the, the programs like how to talk to people, how to lead. Mm-hmm.  people. Like now all of a sudden I had a staff of like eight people, right. And they were looking to me for guidance and I was like, well, I don't know. I'm still trying to learn how to run a business.

And,  so I think a lot of what I've learned that maybe I didn't expect was. Leadership like digging deep, changing myself so that I can be better for other people and know how to talk to them and know how to listen. Mm-hmm. , everybody's personality is so different and,  it, at first there was some crashing and burning with like, you know, just me.

Understanding how to talk to everybody and that was a huge learning curve for me, and now I feel like I'm so much better for it. Oh, that's so good to see the other side too. Yeah. Like you've taken that and then you've grown so much from it and. , you almost like have to go through that to learn and to grow.

Yes, and to be better. Yeah. What about like something rewarding, like a moment? Is there like a story or a situation or maybe a person  that's like just keep spurring you on and find.

even if women have left us as members, I am still the person that they call when they need something. Mm-hmm. . So knowing that, like they found that comfort and they know that it's not going anywhere. So for example, I had a member, who wasn't coming to classes anymore. In fact, she hadn't for months, and she just randomly called me and said, that she had had.

a stillbirth. Oh out, you know, and kind of out of nowhere, so it takes you back a little bit. You're like, oh my gosh. , what can I do for you? I'm like, can I set up a food train? Right? Like I just, you know, what do I, yeah. My first instinct was like, what do I do? How do I help you? And she was like, yes, please.

Aw. So she was just like reaching for something. Yeah. And knew that we had a community to help her. Yeah. Because she didn't really have that community out here for herself. So we rallied and I think we gave her meals for 20 days. Oh my gosh. And. It was really fantastic and , she now has her rainbow baby, so that's fantastic.

And like I've kept up with her and she even lives in a different state now.  I think just knowing that, that we're here and people know that regardless of if they still work out with us right or not, like we are the community of moms that they can turn to when and if they need us. That's awesome.

Yeah. So do you have to be a Fit4Mom member or can you join like a social. . Oh. We have a group on Facebook called The Fit4Mom Village. Okay. So you do not have to be working out with us. Though the workouts are great and you can bring your kids and we even have like high intensity interval like training for  people who have phased out of the strollers.

Right? Right. So their kids are now in school and they're like, well, I'm not gonna come to your morning classes. Like, okay girl, that's fine. Just come to our bootcamp classes. Yeah.  Body boost at night. I'm like, okay honey, you're putting the kids to sleep and I'm gonna go work out. Yeah. And just getting that time by yourself, right? Like away from everybody else. 

I like that the classes appeal to all different schedules and all different stages of life. So you could be a working mom, you could be a mom that's home. There's classes during the day, classes online. Mm-hmm.  classes,  in the evening.

Right. We have like early. 5:30 AM classes, which are just for some people. Yeah.  I'm an early riser. I like to do it, so I'm the one who coaches it. Nice. And then we've got weekend classes, like run Club and then, Saturdays, which we call Dadurdays. Nice. So you can like, bring your spouse with you. Nice.

Really it's just a way to bring a family member with you, cuz we know that. Weekends are normally for family, right? So like your mother-in-law, your sister, your husband, your wife, whoever you wanna bring, they can come for free. Nice. As long as you have a membership with us. Perfect. Yeah.

What's one thing that you would tell someone that's interested in maybe going into their own franchise for Fit4Mom? Oh my gosh. , or maybe it's a health and wellness business that they just wanna start and they're passionate about. Go for it. Go for it. Okay.  There's no better time than now.

The best time was probably yesterday. Mm. So the next best time is right now.  So I was just talking about this yesterday. . People have asked me like, how do you do it all? Yeah. And you know, yeah. So how do you, you're a unicorn. I'm like, I'm not, I see you online promise you, it seems like, cuz you're pushing out content.

Right. And so, I'm so fascinated about this, especially with moms that are working and have small businesses. Yeah. So how are you creating content? Mm-hmm.  pushing it out, running your business. Mm-hmm. , running your family and doing all the things. I think  it's not about getting,  more hours in a day.

Mm-hmm. , it's.  switching what I do in those hours, for example, if I get rid of Netflix, okay, and that takes an hour of my day. Mm-hmm. , you know, now I have an extra hour to do something else. If I take out like a morning Starbucks trip that takes 30 minutes, I now have 30 minutes to do something else.

So it's really. Prioritizing. Mm-hmm.  and not gaining more hours. Cuz no one can do that. That's impossible. Right. There's 24 hours in the day. Right. I have it. You have it. Right. But of just utilizing my hours in a different way. Mm-hmm. . And you have to really switch your mind to, to what can I do for my business right now?

Like, what can I do that's gonna offer growth? What can I do that's gonna offer. Like me making money. Right. Right. And usually the stuff that like doesn't make me money happens after the stuff that makes me money. Okay. Right. So like pushing out content for me is something I do after I've made my phone calls, answered my emails, gotten people signed up for classes.

Mm-hmm. You know, sent out purchase requests and talk to my staff. Then I'm like, okay, now I have this much time before I pick up the girls from. , I'm gonna push out a little bit of content on each of my pages, so it's not always what we see. If you push out content at like 7:00 AM. Maybe it was created the day before or Correct.

Okay. Yeah. I usually batch my content mm-hmm. , so like, I'll do like Tuesday. Mm-hmm.  is like my content day. So I'll create like seven reels and I save them in my drafts and then, you know, that way all I'm doing is, is typing my message for that day and I try and offer value to mm-hmm.  what, so, you know, maybe I'm telling you about, , a good carb to eat to give you energy or um, how much water you should be drinking in a day or whatever it is.

But then I spend my time.  on what I wanna deliver to you. And then the real is just like the funny part that pulls you in to Right. To read the information, you know? Totally. So have you found that that works for your lifestyle? Like are you able to be present then when the kids are home from school or, for the most part.

Okay. I mean, there's some cases where they get home and we're like, I'm like, okay. Tablet time. Yeah. And you know, I give myself like an. , you know? Okay. They're on their tablets for an hour. Mm-hmm. , whatever it is that I need to get done that I didn't finish, like I get done now. Right. Then the tablets go off, then we go outside or we, you know, play or it's family time.

Right, right. You know, then I make dinner, do all that kind of stuff and  I go to bed early. Like eight 30 or nine, like I'm in bed. 

So it sounds like your kids also are seeing you create this community. Mm-hmm. . What has it been like  to see it through their eyes, like of so cool.

Knowing that. Yeah. Did your mom own a small business or no? No. Yeah. , my mom, my, she was a stay-at-home mom. Okay.  She started working again when my little brother finally went to like, kindergarten, but we're all four years apart. So, you know, she was home for like at least 12 years. Wow. Just, you know, raising us.

 Which is a huge job in and of itself. Right. , I don't, you know, so that, like, my mind was always like, I have to be at home. Mm-hmm.  with my kids and, but I had this amazing career pre-children.  In the movie business, I was a, a decorator  like an assistant tune, a decorator per se. Like I get to buy stuff, which is so fun, so fun but I worked my butt off to get there. Like, it was really hard to get into that union and I made. Really good money. And so at when I was pregnant, I'm like, I'm going back. I'm gonna have my kid, I'm gonna go on maternity leave, and I'm going back and I had my kid and I was like, oh my gosh, I can't go back.

Like right. What am I gonna do? It's so primal. You're like, I can't just leave my child. Totally. And I was like, and I didn't.  feel that I had to mm-hmm.  and I, I'm the type of person who I will find a solution for something. Mm-hmm. , I'm like, okay, this feels impossible, but just gimme a minute and I'm gonna find a solution.

And,  I started like a health and wellness business to stay at home. Nice.  And then because of the content I was pushing out for my health and wellness business, that's why Danny reached out to me and she was like, I can tell that you're going to. Kick it with this,  Fit4Mom business. Yeah. So I feel comfortable handing you my baby is basically what she told me.

So, um, That's really neat. 

 Where do you see your business going? Like. Oh gosh, in the next like couple years, maybe just two years. Let's not Right. Get away. I'm like you talking about like pipe dream type thing.

 I mean, we just came outta Covid right? Not too long ago. So, I mean, that had to have taken a huge hit on the industry of like  new moms working out, just bringing your kids Covid sucked. Yeah. . So when I bought the franchise, I think we were running with like a hundred members.

Mm-hmm. .  and it was, there were like 25 women in each class and it. It was poppin, like it was crazy. Almost intimidating cuz you'd go and you're like, I can't memorize everybody's name. Even when I bought it I was like, oh my gosh. I would like have, I would like take pictures at class so I could like look back and try and remember.

Okay, that's Kelly. Okay, that's Amanda. You know? Yeah. It was just so much.  So my goal really is to come out of Covid and be what we.  when I bought it at its peak. Nice. In 2019. Okay. So that's my goal over the next two years Yeah. Is to grow back to a hundred members.  And right now we're resting around like 40 and what's really awesome on the flip side of being small right now is.

I know everyone at such an intimate level. Like we are on a text thread, we're always doing stuff together, like going to the zoo or we're going to Billy Bee's who wants to go, you know, so it's just like this community right now that is so tight knit. Right. And you know, sometimes when you get bigger that  that can lose itself a little bit or you'll get groups of the moms that are really close together, which is still awesome cuz you're finding your people. Right. But I think,  if I'm trying to find like the bright light in what we have right now as a small group is that it's just so personal. Right. 

So what do you love about teaching fitness classes?  We're in Southern California, so we're really lucky. Yeah.  There's a lot of other  franchises like throughout the nation who have to be indoors for like four or five months out of the year, you know, so we work out at the mall if it's pouring rain, but that's like once in a blue moon, right?

Otherwise we're outside like getting sunshine and boosting our endorphins and,  it's just, . I love being outside, right? I feel like it's good. The mind and the soul, you know, to get outside. Truly. Yes. And the parks are so beautiful. I mean, I know all the locations you've picked, so go ahead and go over some of the locations.

All right, so we're mainly a Bridgeport Park in Valencia. It's kind of like a central hub, right? In Santa Clarita. So it's just, it's easy, it's huge.  There's so many spots to go there, so it's, it's a. Park to be at., and then you always meet around the restrooms, like where is the center playground? So typically we're like, find a playground.

Okay. And the bathrooms are usually next to the playground. Mm-hmm. And we meet there.  It's just kind of been like the easiest way to be like, that's how you find us. Yeah. Find the playground, find the mamas. Great.  We're in at Fair Oaks Park in Canyon Country. Okay., one day a week we're at. Heritage Park for Run Club mostly cuz it's off the Paseos.

Mm-hmm. .  But we're there for Saturday classes as well. And then,  you know, every once in a while we'll go inside my gym and rent out that space. Nice. And usually we'll do it for like our prenatal classes where we want the moms to be a little more comfortable conditions, not like in the frigid cold or anything like that because they're, which is like, what, 68 or something?

I know. When you know you're wearing your U boots. Oh, when it's, you're right. Yeah. 68. That's hilarious. Totally. It's cold 60. I know. I'm like, have you seen the jacket I came in here with that is like, I'm a snowman . No, but I love that you utilize.  other businesses too. You partner with them in town?

Mm-hmm. . And I mean, you've created what was it like a community day where  you partnered with other small businesses. Mm-hmm.  to have, so the celebration of moms. Celebration of moms. Tell us Mother's Day every year we try and make it a big to-do, cuz we're a fitness organization for moms.

So what's our biggest holiday? Mother's Day. So what we try and do is  partner with local businesses, so they. Usually we'll have them like donate something that we can raffle off to our moms. So we've had like sports bras, gift certificates, coffee, cooking classes, wine bottles.

Nice. I mean, you name it, we've had stuff from like all the companies in Santa Clarita I feel like.  And we'll do raffles. Last year we did  like a pop-up shop type thing in the parking lot at my.  and there was different vendors, and then you could sample classes. Right. So yeah, you're a small business and you're listening.

I know you'll have to connect with Samantha on, how she, you can donate and participate and be part of that. Yes. And then in exchange we do share this company, like with our whole mom. Nice.

You know, we'll put you in our newsletter, we'll put you on our website.  And so your name is getting out there to all of our mamas and our email list as well. So it really is a way for you to give to our moms, but for us to give back to your business that you have in Santa Clarita, which is important to me because we rise by lifting others.

Oh my gosh. . Yeah. as a new mom, sometimes your whole network of small businesses change. Like you're like, okay, now I need a kid's orthodontist. Or I need Yes. Different types of businesses that I normally wouldn't have gone to, but yeah. Right.  

I So Sam, what would you say to a brand new mom who finds you online or finds you through word of mouth and is gonna come for the first time, but is hesitant?

What do they need to know? They need to know that. , it is a little bit nerve wracking. Mm-hmm. . But every single woman that is there felt the same way. So when you do come, they kind of embrace you. Right. , there's always going to be somebody who will walk alongside you who's like, I wanna know your story. And so I think you'll realize right away that you're like, oh, okay.

I had just had a woman. That I called the other day. And so I, I, if I have a phone number I'm calling you, so I call her. And I'm like, Hey, I noticed,  that, you know, you haven't signed up for a class yet. Can I get you started? And she's like, oh, I'm just really, I'm shy and nervous.

This is why I haven't like, messaged you back cuz she wasn't returning my emails. Oh, okay. But she answered her phone, so that was good .  And I just kind of chatted with her and I'm like, Okay, well I'll be there at least, so you'll know one person. Nice. Now we've talked on the phone together. Right? Which is super personal, right?

because now she like can hear my voice. Was it through message? Right? She's like, oh, this is Samantha. She's a person. She was nice. I, you know, we had a connection. We laughed a little. Yeah. You know, that's And then she came to class and after class I sent her an email. I'm like, how did it go? How are you feeling?

And she was just like, I am so excited to come back for my next class. So, oh, that's okay. I think if you need your husband to come sit on the park bench, do it. If you come nervous. Like, call me and tell me and I will like be next to you. The whole class. Like whatever it is, just get yourself out because you don't know what you're missing by not going.

That's so true. And we don't make it awkward cuz I, at the beginning of every class, there's sort of like a formula to it, like mm-hmm. , uh, Script that we follow, if you will. So we introduce ourselves and then we do an icebreaker around Right. The circle while we're stretching. And I love those 

yeah. Like that is like, what is one thing in your diaper bag that you can't live without? Or sometimes it's like around Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for? Right? Um, and just taking that moment to. And that's practice gratitude or some of the funnier ones are like, where's the funniest place you've changed a diaper or Yeah.

But you're building community and you're just realizing right from the beginning, you're not alone. Right. And I think that's some of the secret sauce. Mm-hmm.  that Fit4Mom offers that you're not gonna find at another gym. Right. And it's.  fostering the mom to mom connection. Mm. We also foster the mom to baby connection.

How we do, you know, jumping jacks in the ABCs or squats with tickles or,  you know, high fives with squat jumps or whatever it is, but like incorporating your child into this workout time. So now it becomes like they're important and they're there for a reason. But yeah, I love the icebreaker questions and that's exactly the point Yeah.

Is to be like, I'm Samantha, these are my kids. Parker and River, they're this old. And you know, if, if money wasn't an object, this is where I would go on vacation. Mm-hmm. . And then another mom will be like, oh my gosh, I've been to Bora Bora. Right. You know? And. And then it just gets this organic conversation going.

Totally. Whereas like, you're not just sitting there like warming up or stretching and you're like, okay, is everyone looking at me? Yeah. Like this is weird. You know? And then moms will be like, oh my gosh.  Kelly in warmup, you said this, did you actually go there? Or whatever it is. Yeah. And it just, , it opens the doorway for like a relationship to start right away.

Yeah. Or someone might be like, oh my gosh, what's it gonna be like to travel with kids? And someone will be like, oh my gosh, girl, I did this. We went on the plane. You know, like, you need to buy these 10 things to go on an airplane with a baby. You know? It's off from there. Yeah. And then what I love that I didn't realize before I joined Fit4Mom was that your baby's not forced to be in the stroller in one spot, we move around the park, which helps so much. Right. Cuz the visualization around the child changes. As you're moved from location to location, the stimulation of just like being on the go helps the child. I'm like, right.

Oh my gosh, this, there is a method to the magic. There totally is. Yeah. So, you know, we try. Exactly. We don't want the kids to get fussy and you'll notice that. , we'll move to one spot, do a station, and usually towards the end of that station, the kids, you'll still start to hear the wiggles or like the, oh, I wanna get outta the stroller.

And then we're like, all right, and we're off. You know? Yeah. And we switch, and then the kids are fine. I know. You know, you'd really think like, oh my gosh, maybe all these babies are crying, but no, like majority of the time, right? The kids are, if there is, we're like, whatever. Yeah. You know, I'll pull my bubbles.

I have a book, I'll go read books to the babies. Moms can put their kids in a carrier. We have modifications for all the moms, like pregnancy or baby wearing mm-hmm.  that. So we're able to offer you like, just put your baby on, I'll show you what to do. so you're still gonna get a workout in? Yeah. I tend to hold at least one baby per class.

Oh, I know. And so it's funny cuz those of us that have kids that are like in grade school, It's such a blessing for us too. Like to hold a newborn again. You're, I know. Like, oh my gosh, I forgot how much I missed it. I know. So it's neat how it blesses each other. Like it might bless that new mom. Right.

Getting to hold the baby for her so she can get a workout. Oh gosh. And yeah. Cause I remember, I remember Christine holding Parker. Really? And I was like, are you sure? She's like, uh, yeah. Cuz her three sons were older. Yeah. You know? And I'm like, okay, thank you. Yeah. You know, and like you're just like, wow.

This is great. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. And it feels good to help someone to know like, oh my gosh, I helped that mama through her workout. Yeah. It feels good to, I mean, that's the whole point. It's just I love it. It's so good. Aw. Yeah. 

I really think that you're the perfect person for this.

Oh, okay. Thank you. You  mention earlier how that mom just called you right up and. , that's just a testament to what you foster the community. You're approachable, you're real. So I could just pick up the phone and be like, Hey, Sam, let me just bounce this off of you, which you have.

And I have . 

. So Sam, the mama listening, where can we find you? . All right. So you can find us on,

mm-hmm. . We're also on Instagram @fit4momsantaclarita. We're on Facebook Fit for Moms Santa Clarita. And anybody who is listening right now who wants to try some classes mm-hmm. , I will give you two free weeks if you mention. Kelly's podcast. Nice. Yes. Okay. You heard it here, . So mention SCV Connected.

Right. Call Sam . Slide into dms,  text, call email, yeah. Mm-hmm. . Okay. Whatever you feel comfortable with. I'm here. It's really hard to not be able to get ahold of me. . Okay, good. I got my information everywhere. Nice. Okay. Well thank you so much for taking the time outta your day. Yes. Thank you so much for having me.

This was fun. Good. I'm glad. 📍 

Thanks for listening to the SCV Connected podcast with my mom, Kelly O'Keefe.

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