SCV Connected

The Awe-Inspiring Amazon Author Jill Jaramillo [VIDEO PODCAST] Bonus Mini Episode

March 22, 2023 Jill Jaramillo Season 2 Episode 7


Bonus Mini Episode with Jill Jaramillo

For over 22 years, Jill has spent her time working with children. From after-school programs, children’s ministry coordinator and youth group leader, to Special Education teacher and now, mom to two littles. She holds a Master’s of Arts in Teaching and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) currently overseeing a team of Special Educators. Her passion for sharing the love of Jesus with kids in a tangible way is woven into all of her life’s choices. It wasn’t until she became a Mom that she found herself finding new and creative ways to teach Biblical truth in ways that her young kids could grasp. With her understanding of child psychology and the heart of a Mom, Jill seeks to help parents share Biblical truths with their families.

Count the Fruit is the story of a boy discovering how the Fruits of the Spirit can be evident in all areas of his modern life. In everyday, ordinary moments, such as when he is playing with his little sister who likes to mess up his toys, or waiting for his turn on the playground, he begins to understand that when his Mom talks about Fruit, she isn’t talking about the peaches on the tree in his backyard. His story walks the reader through the nine fruits of the Spirit and invites the reader to notice and count the fruit in their own life.

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Purchase your copy of Count the Fruit Here
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Kelly: [00:00:00] Jill Jaramillo, you wrote a freaking book, . I know, 

Jill: it's so, it's still, it's been out for almost three weeks and I've been working on it for close to a year and it's still the craziest thing to me.


Kelly: Did you always wanna be a writer? Did you, what planted the seed? And how did we get 

Jill: here? So as I started to like, think about how I got here, honestly, I, there was parts of me as a kid that did wanna be a writer. Mm-hmm. . . I remember being in elementary school writing books a lot like the little ones you turn into your teacher and I love that.

And some along the way kind of lost it and you know, you find other interests. And then there was some time where I was trying to do a blog and was writing more consistently then, that kind of petered away cuz that that is a lot of work too. and, you know, kids were coming and work and all the things and then.

Since having kids obviously, and being 15 years in education, 10 years as a teacher, and I just, I love children's books, like they're my favorite. We have the, [00:01:00] we are like book hoarders. They're all our house . Nice. And. Last summer, the kids were getting to an age where we were having more conversations about, scripture and what Jesus is teaching us.

And I was struggling to find books that really took Bible verses and made them like real, like there's tons of fabulous authors out there that write children stories and they're very generic. And I wanted to take like an actual piece of scripture. and make it real, break it down for our kids. And last summer, spring maybe, was kind of like, oh, I have this idea for Fruit of the Spirit, how we could apply this to our life.

So I kind of just took some notes in my phone, you know, and then life keeps going. All that passes. And one morning sat down, to do my morning Bible study. And it was literally like the Lord. Was like, write the book. And I was like, no way. Oh, that, that, that's like new for me. You know, like 38 years [00:02:00] in.

And I felt like that was like one of the most clear things I had ever heard from the Lord. And it was write the book and I was like, okay, . So I'm trying to be more intentional with it. And breaking the verse down, you know, fruit of the Spirit by Fruit of the spirit. Mm-hmm. and then. An author, an advocate that I have followed for years on social media, sent out an mass email saying, Hey, I have this book writing program where I will walk you through the whole process.

Stop . Yeah. And I was like, oh, hmm. Okay. So I emailed her and said, Hey, I would love to just ask you some questions about this. And she was like, absolutely. We met for 15, 20 minutes one morning. And Ellie, I'm not kidding when I say like, I got off the call and was just like, like giddy. Like I'm like, this is it.

This is it. Right. And like we talked about how much it costs cuz obviously she's giving her time. This is the coaching, this is the project. Right. You know, we, she, we spent a lot of time [00:03:00] together. We. Text every single week and oh my gosh. Um, called my husband afterwards and I'm like, I can't stop smiling about this.

Like I feel like the Lord is telling me, but we need to pray. because this is the financial commitment, this is the project, this, you know, like this is gonna take time. Right? So, you know, days go by. Um, my husband and I were able to go out on a date, and be able to have adult conversation with no little people.

Aw. And so I said, okay, like, what are your thoughts? And he was just like, man, if it helps one family, one person grow closer to the Lord, then I'm in like that is so we never get our money back. I don't care. 

Kelly: And at first it seems like it can be just surface. Like you're counting literally like the type of fruit you're talking about on each page. Right? And then when it, the like application of it, you're just like, oh, I just love how you broke it down. 

Jill: Aw, thank you. Yeah. And I think that was really like what made.

you know, and obviously as I was [00:04:00] going through the writing process would sit with my son and like read it. Yeah. And he was like, oh, I play soccer. And I was like, yeah, you do. And we go every week. Right. And I tell you, even if you don't wanna go, that we're gonna go and be faithful. Yeah. And so for us it's really been about like, Yes, those things happen at Sunday school and at church, and our kids go to a private Christian school for preschool, so they're hearing it more there, but like that's just such a small part of their day and they spend obviously the majority of their lives with us and Right.

So finding ways to make it real for them. To put it into practice and to show them how they are growing in the Lord too, just like I do. They see me right reading the Bible or asking for forgiveness or trying to practice those things, and so giving them the language and letting them see how it can happen in real life has, is just huge and instrumental.

Kelly: I love how you said that more is caught than taught and how you have to walk that road as [00:05:00] well. And so you're just speaking to that right now. Perfectly so well of like they see you, they're wanting to model what you're doing and how important it is to, to walk the road.

You know what we're trying to teach our children. . 

Jill: Yeah. And I, you know, and it's not easy like , but if I want my kids to do these things, if I want them to ask for forgiveness after a strong emotion happened or something, or to be patient, then I have to be patient. And what I, over the, you know, really through going through walking through the book too, is like I can't just do the things.

I have to use the language and label it so, , you know, I'll even say stuff like, mommy is trying to be patient right now. . 

Kelly: I like how you brought each fruit in of the spirit. And then you involved in life application of what we're the season, I'm in the season so many parents are in of like you said, soccer practice.

Like, . So, what's been the biggest misconception about [00:06:00] self-publishing, like the whole process?

Jill: Um, I think it's funny because I feel like you lessen it in your mind, maybe, or like when you're promoting it to be like, oh, well it's self-published and. Working with my coach through that program, but she was like, people, people don't need to know that. Like no one pays attention. 

Kelly: So like, yeah, I was kinda like, what's the difference?

Like, I mean, can anyone just do this? Could I just like put a book together tomorrow and it's like self-published and 

Jill: really, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. So I think that's what's so amazing is like, I think we lived in a world and obviously. To have a big, huge book, New York Time bestseller, you know, front shelf at Barnes and Noble in Target on a shelf.

Obviously you do need to be published and use an agency for that kind of thing. And that takes a lot, a lot of work, 

Kelly: you know? Is that only because they have like a bigger following and like a marketing department and that kinda [00:07:00] stuff? Yeah, marketing and all of 

Jill: that stuff. Right. But if you wanted to self-publish, so I.

 Wrote on my book just on a Google Doc. And then used a program to like format it all. We did hire an illustrator, and worked with her to like describe what a scene looked like, and I mean, it came down to like, Hey, can you change the color of the shirt? So I still gotta be super involved in that.

Can you eliminate the fruit here and put a peek of fruit here? So I still gotta be super involved in those illustrations. And then Amazon actually offers an amazing website that allows you to self-publish. So they will assign you an I S P N number. You get a. Set pricing and royalties and, I ordered proofs to make sure everything, once it was like printed and cut, did it like look the right way, like that I envisioned, did I wanna change the size, all of that stuff.

So, um, you know, and then you get a, just put it out there when you wanna put it out there and. Again, it [00:08:00] gives me a lot of control over it where if I was going through a company, things could have been different. Right. Obviously we wanna get it out to the masses, but I mean, Amazon has that capability, obviously.

Kelly: Right. And like social media now, like you don't need for someone to say like, yes, we'll do it, or No, you just did it. Like Right. Yeah. You don't have to wait for, to be selected. 

Jill: And it's made it scary at the same time to just be like, it's. , I'm in control of this. Right? Yeah. Like, so like having conversations, getting it out there.

Because ultimately, like really our goal at the family and for me as the author of this book is to just get it into the hands that the Lord has said, like, this family needs this book. Right. You know? And, I've only checked my numbers one time, really? And it was just like, yeah, I'm not gonna do that again.

Right. Like, right. even like my rankings, you know, cause Amazon ranks everything, right? How many books I've sold, I've looked at it a, you know, number of books I've sold, I've [00:09:00] looked at one time and my rankings, I watched the first couple days and I was just like, you know what? Like this just isn't important.

And that's not what this is about. Like, wow, I just wanted out there. And if it opens more doors to more opportunities to write more books, I think that'd be amazing. But I also know I can. Yeah, which is 

Kelly: cool, and you're doing what you set out to do, like you are helping families, I mean, You're helping my family so I can speak to that.

And I know that you're helping other families, so you're just doing what you set out to do. I know that it's only gonna go further cuz we're just gonna promote it and celebrate you. This is so neat. You're just so inspiring to so many people, not just that. in the faith aspect of like trying to be so intentional with teaching your kids about the Lord and how to just be good contributing members to society and love others and through all the fruits of the spirit.

And if, even if you're not a believer, I think that it's so good cuz it teaches peace, love, gentleness. Kindness. Like those are all things we're all teaching our children about. [00:10:00] I just love it.

Jill: Right. Whether you're a believer or not, you want, you want your kids, you know, to be loving and kind and have patience. And I would never want anyone to ever think that we are like this perfect little family. Like we're not, we, you know, being four is hard and being two is hard. And being parents to a four year old and two year old, you know, it had those moments where, you know, mama needs a break.

Right, right. You know, if we can be intentional. You know, ultimately our goal is not necessarily even that their behavior changes right now, but like in the future, are they, are they contributing back to society? Are they loving others? Are they sharing the name of Jesus? That's ultimately what we want.

Kelly: Right. I think it's so neat that you're doing this, it's gonna open so many doors, truly because I know there's someone out there that wants to do something in a similar capacity that will reach out just. To be able to write a book [00:11:00] on your own. That's so cool. can't get 

Jill: over that.

Yeah. And it's, and it is super fun and I mean, it is a process and it, and it's work and you wanna get it out there and you want it to be successful and, you know, I, I work at night after the kids go down so I can, you know, put out good content and share more of our life and the book at the same time.

Mm-hmm. , um, you know, but I, it was definitely a super fun process to go through that and then at the end to be like, oh my, I wrote a book and it's in my hands and then, To like put it out there and have other people be like, I have your book. And I'm like, no. Wait, . That's so crazy. 

Kelly: Yeah. Has there been though some type of like suffering involved and I ask that only because sometimes when God places these like really big God-like dreams on our heart, it is a process.

Sometimes on social media, we see the end result. Like God placed this dream on my heart to write a book and like Bing or for me it was like a podcast. And I mean, I'm sure I could write a book about everything it's [00:12:00] entailed and the ups and the downs and the like I'm said no a million other ways.

And the Lord just like kept opening doors that you couldn't reject really. And I had to walk through. But do you think that there for you, has there been like some suffering through the journey that you can just speak to? 

Jill: Honestly, like I think part of it. You know, I work from home full-time and so that means a lot of meetings, you know, virtual life emails, all of that stuff.

And to then be present even more so on social media to like get the book out there to get our story out there means more time on our phone. So I've had to really be like intentional of. how I use my time. So sometimes that means, you know, working after hours when the kids go to sleep, it means intentionally leaving my phone on the kitchen counter and just focusing with them to play.

 It also means, you know, having a schedule and kind of sticking to it, like in terms of like, oh, I need to create this content and let [00:13:00] me sneak away. But also being real about it. Like, we share stories, we share our lives. And so sometimes that means in the moment, you know, and like, So sometimes it's hard cause I'm like, my kids see me on my phone a lot or on the computer a lot, right?

And so I really try to just like, be intentional, like, I'm working right now and I'll be with you in two seconds. Or you're right, I don't need to do this right now. Let's go play or let's go do this and let's go read a book or go outside. Or go for a walk. So for me, that's honestly one of the, the hard parts is like mm-hmm , you wanna get out there because you want your, your product out there, your book out there, your story out there.

Right, but finding, you know, those blocks of time to work so that you can be present where you wanna be present. So for me, that's been honestly the struggle. Thank 

Kelly: you for sharing. That's so true. I think. For myself, I can speak to that, but everyone who has a dream or a platform of some kind and is trying to like, you know, even if it's a side hustle, like you are [00:14:00] connected so much more.

Mm-hmm. . And I think there is that struggle with young children. They are seeing you and they don't know what you're doing if you're just mindlessly scrolling to zone out from them crying or they see it as you are just choosing that over them. And I think it is a 

Jill: cha. So, and it, and it wasn't even with my kids, it's like with my husband too.

He's like, are you working working? Or are you working like the side hustle? You know? And so I don't want that to impact my marriage or my family life negatively in any way, you know? And so we just have like communicate like, Hey, I need to get this done right now. And that has really helped, you know, just making sure we communicate about what we're doing.

I'm not just mindlessly scrolling, right. Connecting or I'm having conversations so that, you know, we. Build these businesses and stuff like that. Right. 

Kelly: What do you think is the best advice you would give to someone wanting to do the same thing that you're doing? Like we're creating a book, putting it out there like someone starting out where you were, you got the [00:15:00] calling placed on your heart.

Now what? 

Jill: I would just. Take a minute and pray about it 

Like, do you, is this a me thing or is this a God thing? Mm-hmm. And that was like my concern, is this a, you know, Jill wants to do this or is this, the Lord is telling me to do this and I need to follow an in obedience. Yeah. And so I prayed about it long before I even told my husband about, . he and I talked about it and prayed about it before I even gave my answer that yes, I was gonna commit to this program.

 And I also asked friends to pray for me and I didn't give them anything specific and I said, you know, that there's just this decision I have to make. And it's ki for me it's big and scary cuz it's out of my comfort zone. Right. Obviously it's something I've never done before, so I just need you to pray with me that I will be wise in this and.

I think that's always a big part of it. Mm-hmm. . And if through prayer, you have [00:16:00] that, you know, it's still persistent, it's still there. You're feeling like that the Lord is calling you and you may not hear that clearly of write the book or do the thing, right? Mm-hmm. , sometimes we will and sometimes we won't.

And it's just a matter of trusting that we've been obedient and that it aligns with what has been taught in scripture. Does it align with our core values? And then I think if all of that is there, then, then you say yes, and it can be big and scary. And I think the other part is to maybe, I think for me, like the book program helped me be accountable that I was obedient in writing the book.

but maybe I would've never done anything with it. And so when I was presented the opportunity to do the program with me and a carpenter, it, it made be accountable so that it was actually going to happen. Got it. And so I think sometimes we have to find someone that can help hold us accountable knowing that.

it may not happen tomorrow, right? Like it didn't just, oh, I said yes and Blink, here's my book. Right? That there's gonna [00:17:00] be a process and that at the end, which could take weeks, months, maybe years, I don't know mm-hmm. , what God is calling you to do or whatever your dream is, right? Like, right. Things don't get built overnight.

That, um, finding someone that's gonna hold you accountable and pray with you and encourage you when it gets hard is, is what's gonna get the end. . 

Kelly: Right. Well, that's so good. Well, what about, what would you tell your younger self, like young little Jill who likes to create books for her teachers and in class, what would you say to her just about where you're at now today?


Jill: yeah. I, I don't know. Cause I don't think, like, I feel like all of my decisions and the twists and the turns and yeah. Going through. You know, college and all of those things and getting married, like all of those decisions led to this moment, which I super appreciate. I think back then it would've just been more like, just keep following Jesus.

Like, okay, yeah, no, that's it. Fail, yeah. Follow Jesus [00:18:00] right and left. Just follow Jesus. And I think, you know, then it, it gets you where you're supposed to be. It's not necessarily. Specific, like, Hey, don't worry about it. I mean, yes, that little girl back then needed to like stop being so anxious and the world isn't as black and white as I wanted it to be.

, but I think back then it could have just been like someone just said like, Follow Jesus and you'll be okay. Like, 

Kelly: right. Oh, for sure. Yeah. . I'm like, where was that? I, I dunno about you. I didn't grow up with my faith, so I'm like, where was that back when ? Yeah. I was going through elementary and junior high and high school and all the things and you're 

Jill: just, and we did church and I knew Awanna and Bible verses and all those things.

Did you in elementary and junior high and high school, you know, and then you turn, get hit in your twenties and. You know, suddenly you have to be a grownup and it's a little trickier. And I honestly, that's when I got pulled back into my faith. Yeah. And started to grow more, like, [00:19:00] be more consistent and really find the true value in it.

 So even if we start out as young believers in a Christian home, like we never know the road we're gonna walk, we still have to make those decisions to keep walking in those. Every single day. But to come to a believer as, you know, older in age as either, you know, teenage years or in our twenties or thirties, is obviously like an amazing thing.

But, you know, I think all along the way it's always just gonna, that's always what it's gonna come back down to. Right? That's true. You just 

Kelly: gotta follow Jesus. And I think sometimes I think if had I had my. When I was younger, somehow life would be easier, but it's never easier just cuz you're a believer by any means.

Right? You have the compass like that north star, but you, it doesn't mean like life gets any easier, if anything. , sometimes the calling makes things a little harder. Right, exactly. Yeah. So where can listeners find you or find more information if they wanna purchase the book? Is it only Amazon we're sending guests. 

Jill: Yes. [00:20:00] Okay. Yeah, so, and that's where we published through that is where it's available. So it's on Amazon, Count the Fruit, Count the Fruit Book. You can search me on Amazon. Search me on Instagram. Instagram is where I share more, you know, ideas or, little inspirational things of like, Hey, this happened in our life and how does this impact you and how can you learn from this?

So Instagram, Amazon, but if you wanna buy the book, it's, it's on Amazon. 

Kelly: Sweet. Thank you so much for sharing. I wanna just respect your time. I know that you're a teacher too, so I'll let you get back to life and stuff, but thank you so much just for popping on and chatting with me.

Thank you so 

Jill: much for having me. I'm excited. 

Kelly: Just wanted a little something to put the face behind the author. 

Jill: I appreciate that so much.

Kelly: Thank you. Have a good day. You too. Bye-bye. Bye.