SCV Connected

2023 New Year, New Vibe

January 12, 2023 Kelly O'Keefe Season 2 Episode 1

Hey there and welcome to the first podcast drop of 2023 for SCV Connected. I'm Kelly O'Keefe host of the SCV connected podcast. This episode with just me. This is my open love letter to my community. And my promise to you. And I'm inviting you to pull up a seat. I've created this podcast to celebrate my local community, Santa Clarita, California. 

I had an insatiable desire to highlight people or gems as I call them. In our community, doing meaningful and impactful work, showcasing what I know to be true. That our similarities outweigh our differences. And while I still believe that to be true. I've discovered that everyone has a gem inside them. 

A divine gift or calling, if you will. A gift they've been given to share with the world and it's something to be celebrated. Everyone in some varying capacity has the desire to be seen, heard, and cheered for. As they share that gift for the world. However, I have to be honest. Sometimes my vision gets blurry. 

Trying to see through all the filters and veils of perfection and the walls we've built. We hide behind these fast-paced digital worlds we're plugged into. Like so many other women and men. I too have had seasons when I really struggle when it comes to doing life in community. Specifically relational community. And I know I'm not alone   I have to be honest. Scrolling behind a screen engaged in air quotes, community, avoiding the difficulties that arise in having a relational community. Is really hiding from taking personal responsibility. Even that still sounds a little filtering. 

So, let me try to say it like this. I am the last person that should be giving advice when it comes to relational community. I certainly don't have the playbook on how to do this. I get it wrong a lot too. And when it comes to social media, I love myself a good filter, a fun caption sprinkled with an emoji or two. Or three. What I've learned. And I know to be true with every single fiber in me. 

Our world or culture, as I say. Is not moving in a direction that encourages us to be present. Unfiltered. In-person together, belly-to-belly in community regularly. There is a war for our attention.   Coming at us in a pace faster than ever before. And we're just not prepared. And while I too get sucked into being plugged in. 

I've learned that community done solely through a screen is not for me. I crave real, authentic, transparent, unfiltered connection. I'm committed to showing up in this podcast space like that. And I want to encourage others in our community as well. I don't know about you, but I'm impatient as hell when it comes to shattering. This veil of perfection. I want to get to the good stuff, but it takes time. 

When it comes to Santa Clarita, California, and what it has to offer. In terms of things like school and safety. The education quality of life, et cetera. You name it. We've got it. Basically, we check all the boxes!

Living connected in community takes intentionality. 

And practice. It's work. This space is committed to it. This space is a work in progress. A movement. Because when one person shatters that veil of filters and perfection. It creates a ripple effect and the entire community benefits from it. Let's make 2023, our most connected year yet. Together, of course. 

Hit follow on your favorite podcast app. Support the show and connect  SCV Connected is on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. If you like what you hear, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Link in the show notes. Until next time. I'm Kelly. O'Keefe.

hey there and welcome to the first podcast drop of 2023 for SCV Connected. I'm Kelly O'Keefe host of the SCV connected podcast. This episode with just me. Is my open love letter to my community. And my promise to you. And I'm inviting you to pull up a seat. I've created this podcast to celebrate my local community. Santa Clarita, California. I had an insatiable desire to highlight people or gems as I call them. In our community, doing meaningful and impactful work, showcasing what I know to be true. That our similarities outweigh our differences. And while I still believe that to be true. I've discovered that everyone has a gym inside them. A divine gift or calling, if you will. A gift they've been given to share with the world and it's something to be celebrated. Everyone in some varying capacity has a desire to be seen, heard, and cheered for. As they share that gift for the world. However, I have to be honest. Sometimes my vision gets blurry. Trying to see through all the filters and vails of perfection and the walls we've built. We hide behind these fast paced digital worlds we're plugged into. Like so many other women and men. I too have had seasons when I really struggle when it comes to doing life in community. Specifically relational community. And i know i'm not alone I have to be honest. Scrolling behind a screen engaged in air quotes, community, avoiding the difficulties that arise in having relational community. Is really hiding from taking personal responsibility. Even that still sounds a little filtering. So, let me try to say it like this. I am the last person that should be giving advice when it comes to relational community. I certainly don't have the playbook on how to do this. I get it wrong a lot too. And when it comes to social media, I to love myself a good filter, a fun caption sprinkled with an emoji or two. Or three. What I've learned. And I know to be true with every single fiber in me. Our world or culture, as I say. Is not moving in a direction that encourages us to be present. Unfiltered. In person together, belly to belly in community regularly. There is a war for our attention. Coming at us in a pace faster than ever before. And we're just not prepared. And while I too get sucked into being plugged in. I've learned that community done solely through a screen is not for me. I crave real, authentic, transparent, unfiltered connection. I'm committed to showing up in this podcast space like that. And I want to encourage others in our community as well. I don't know about you, but I'm impatient as hell, when it comes to shattering. This veil of perfection. I want to get to the good stuff, but it takes time. When it comes to Santa Clarita, California, and what it has to offer. In terms of things like school and safety. Education quality of life, et cetera. You name it. We've got it. Basically, we check all the boxes on paper. So the problem isn't the physical community around us. And what it's providing. If we're still feeling lonely disconnected and in lack, maybe it's us. In all my travels around the world, I've always been in awe of how well people in places like Haiti, Italy, and the Caribbean are so rich and relational community. There's a regular rhythm of community. Woven into doing daily life with friends, family. Faith family and neighbors. SCV Connected is a collection of unfiltered candid conversations that focus on three things. Helping people feel seen, heard, and cheered for. So let's break that down. First helping people feel seen. We'll provide a space where our neighbors can be seen in a format like a podcast recording or Instagram lives, or maybe it's a picture of the person. Behind the logo On the SCV Connected Instagram and Facebook page. Second. Helping people feel heard. We'll provide a space. Here. For our neighbors to hear from one another, as they share wisdom and perspective. And finally help people feel cheered for, as they share. Their divine gift. That's unique to them that they've been given. As they share that with the rest of the world, we're going to cheer them on. You'll hear from women and men of all ages doing all sorts of things. But in their own words, on their own terms, and most importantly, in their own voice. These conversations you'll hear are the voices of our neighbors who live here locally and call Santa Clarita home. Living connected in community takes intentionality. And practice. It's work. This space is committed to it. This space is a work in progress. A movement. Because when one person shatters that veil of filters and perfection. It creates a ripple effect and the entire community benefits from it. Let's make 2023, our most connected year yet. Together, of course. Hit follow on your favorite podcast app. Support the show and connect a SCV Connected is on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. If you like what you hear, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Link in the show notes. Until next time. I'm Kelly. O'Keefe.