SCV Connected

VeggieTalez in the SCV with Veg Fest SCV Founder Jess Guidroz

May 24, 2022 Kelly O'Keefe Season 1 Episode 4

Nothing was off the table in my conversation with Jess Guidroz founder of Veg Fest SCV. Join me as I get candid with Jess about pursuing the passions that light us up. Enjoy being a fly on the wall in this unfiltered conversation between the two of us. Be warned we are two of  SCV’s most high vibe neighbors - after listening to us share our hearts for community you might be inspired to align with the divine calling that’s been placed upon your life. 

A little tidbit about Veg Fest SCV - it is an epic event that you don't want to miss. This Celebration of Community is the 3rd-annual vegan food, beer, wine & music festival takes place Saturday, June 4th from 2-8 pm at Central Park, Santa Clarita, CA

Attendees can expect a combination of over 100 participating restaurants, vendors, food trucks, live music, as well as a variety of local craft beer and wine vendors. In addition to mouth-watering vegan comfort food to sample or buy, there will also be a farmers market, DJ, kids kingdom with bounce houses & face painting, yoga in the park, slacklines, & so much more.

Veg Fest SCV is 501c3 non-profit with a goal to co-create a badass conscious community around 3-core pillars:

❁Planet love & Sustainability

❁Compassion for All

❁Health & Wellbeing— Mind Body Spirit

Veg Fest SCV believes in the power of the collective vibration & they believe that when they bring thousands of people together in celebration of the 3 pillars mentioned above that’s when REAL CHANGE HAPPENS 🙌

Come celebrate with them!!

Link below for tickets - Don't forget to grab the coupon code in the podcast episode

Peace, Love, & Light

You're listening to the SCV connected podcast with my mom, Kelly O'Keefe, welcome back and thank you for joining us if you're tuning in for the first time or you're tuning in for the third time. I appreciate you. And I'm so humbled, You’re  taking the. Tune in today's episode is all about the incredible neighbor that is jess Guidroz thank you for having me. It's seriously. It's an honor. And I'm excited to, to chop it up with you. Yeah. So among all the titles that you wear the most popular one and the most, the one that we're going to know you the most from today is founder of Veg Fest. So it's a vegan themed food, beer, wine, and music festival, and it's all about planet health, animals and just really you're on mission to change the world, to make it a better place.

I just want to like, should we just mic drop there and like stop? Yeah. I mean, no, it's, it's definitely, and it's 60 days out, so it's definitely getting a lot more real right now, as far as like prep goes. Cause it's like you kind of spend, you know, all year manifesting in journaling about it and thinking about it.

And then all of a sudden you kind of hit that 60 day mark and then. Stuff gets real, you know? And so it's exciting where, you know, the team excited, everybody's kinda going, we, we, we're going to get up on the Paseo is out here in Santa Clarita, which we haven't done before, but I'm excited about that.

Cause we're a nonprofit now, so we can do those kinds of fun things. And I honestly think this year, you know, we're back at central park. So I think it's going to be definitely the biggest year we've had so far. 

I want to get right into it. So, Jess, did you come out of the womb, like all full of light and joy or did. Making your mess, your message. If you will, like where did this come from? A hundred percent. Yeah, no, I did definitely did not come out of the womb that way, moms, that I was a happy baby, but no, my dad's a minister. And so as far as like speaking goes and being outgoing and then my mom's a teacher, so I kind of grew up with like watching teachers. And, and educators being sort of in the leadership roles. And I always kind of did go towards that, that route. I was went that way since I was young and kind of growing up with the morals and what's right and wrong, and this and that was, was instilled very strongly.

And so they kind of always instilled this belief in myself that, you know, I could. It's cheesy, but change the world, but I could make a difference. Right. And, and that's sort of the, the through line of my life. I've noticed this through everything that I've done. I've always tried to create community, make a change in, in many areas, I think it was just, this is sort of the by-product of that, right?

Is it just through trying different things and different routes that I've taken my life? I think it's led me to the Veg Fest and so the journey to get there as long and it's, it's extensive, but it's I'm very grateful for it. You know, I'm very grateful for it. It's one of the greatest, you know, passion.

That I've ever been engaged with. So it's exciting. Have you had people along the way though, that were just like not buying in because I'm sure we have listeners out there today that are like, that vibe is great for them. They're both feeling that light vibe that like high joy, high vibration, but what do you say to people that are like, yeah, no, I'm not buying that.

I mean, I, you know, to each his own, I think, I think people are gonna, you know, ha you know, like you're, you're too positive or like, change can have, you can't do that. That's impossible. People are just messed up. The people are there's bad people, good people, this and that. And, and my thing is kind of just letting people have their own experience.

I'm all about like, okay, that's great. Like you don't, I'm not out here trying to convert people to anything. I actually, we're not going to go to vege passing, like get converted into woo. No, not at all. It's, it's one of those, it's one of, if. Our goal is inclusion it's community, right? So we want everyone to feel like they can come out and have a good time, you know, like, and so that's, that's very important to me and growing up sort of in a dogmatic way, just with Christianity or with this, and not just having different things that were very like strict, I sort of went the opposite route.

Oh, big time, big time. Since I've always had that sort of personality to, to. You know, rebel. And so we're asked questions too, and like push, like I want to know for myself, not just exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And I think if you don't, if you don't question and you don't think for yourself, then you'll fall for anything and you'll just be a follower.

And it's like, we have so much of that in the world right now. And so much of that in our community that I think. It's time for some out of the box thinking it's time for some, some people do making some radical moves or, you know, even, you know, hosting events that do bring people together in celebration of positivity, whether it's light, love, compassion, whatever, it's just.

Positive. Right. And that's, that's really the big takeaway.  Since you're an educator, you're in a junior high classroom, are you allowed to like kind of infuse some of this positivity? Totally. And the reason I am is because of the, kind of. Things that I teach, I teach social emotional learning, which is fair.

Well, you know, for example, like we start every day with meditation. So I'm one of the only teachers on campus that can do that because it's actually curriculum and, and it's stress management. Right. And then I teach manifestation, visualization journey, all these things. Well, I mean, think about it. Like, imagine if you would've known as a seventh grader that you could like begin visualizing yourself.

In the NBA. Okay. Wait, what came first? The chicken or the egg, like, were you into all this stuff before you got into teaching and chose that career? Like, honestly, almost simultaneously, like, like, yeah. I remember watching, like I was going to college up in San Francisco watching Joe Rogan and he would have some guys on there.

I was just like mind blown by and reading, like thinking, grow rich and kind of like these other books that were kind of like impactful and. Kind of getting me to think, and then I became a teacher and I realized like with summers off winners off Springs off, I have a lot of time on my hands to explore other avenues.

And so through that, you know, in YouTube and things like that, I just in podcasts is a big influence hearing like Tim Ferriss and these guys early on, like in 2012, 2013, And the books that they would recommend and the guests they would have on the would recommend books. And I was just like a book, an audio book junkie for a while there.

And with growing up kind of like spiritual within the Christianity realm, it made it a lot easier to go, okay. From that to, you know, the universe and, and manifesting and actually putting out there what you want and, and, you know, taking action, like all, all the things. Right. So to answer your question, Yeah, exactly.

It was kind of like simultaneously. No. And then I was watching your YouTube videos and preparation and I'm like, oh my gosh. I feel like you should have a million subscribers because I'm watching this. And I'm like, this is like the other content that I'm absorbing that is growth mindset stuff.

And I'm like, we are so lucky in Santa Clarita, like. Like you're teaching our children. It just feels like a total blessing. So, well, vice versa though, like the work you're doing here and the way that you're doing it is so cool because it's, it's kinda like we're con we're like on the same path, but like on our own path.

And now it's so like, cool that we're, it's divine, right? That we're kind of connecting now in this realm. Cause like whoever listens to this, I hope they kinda feel that our, our energy and, and join our community, you know? Yeah, no, we all, I am a total believer. Like I'm very spiritual. Like we have different gifts and everyone has even you listening at home, like you have a gift.

And sometimes we just get a little nervous to share it where there's barriers or walls built up around it. But no, if we can empower people just to get out there and mentor the youth and like each other, like we can just learn so much in person belly to belly. Like I say, I love it. Yeah, no, totally. That's why I got into the podcast realm because I wanted to get to know people.

Like getting to know them on a curated content version on social media. I knew more about my neighbor just from social media. I thought it was so weird. Cause in person I'm like, do I know her? Do I say that? I just know that you went on this vacation. I don't know. Weird. How was your vacation never been talked in person?

Yeah. She was like, wow. But no, I think that's great. What you're doing is just bringing people together. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Well, thank you. And I think honestly, like, you know, my students. Personal like little side note here, but I actually had a mom, we had an open house last week and she was like in tears, like she was like, she's like, I'm super spiritual.

And I've been trying to get my daughter to listen. She won't listen to me. But she journals in your class and she told me that she has a vision for her life now and all these things. And she was like in tears, but it's like, it's crazy because I literally feel like have you ever read the book or seen the documentary on Netflix called this.

Oh, yeah, I've read the book. I think Oprah like made it popular way back late, but like, imagine having. As a seventh grader, right? Like just to even just the things that you could begin at least thinking about, or visualizing, manifest, whatever word you want to use. But I just feel like that would have been sort of a superpower, like, honestly, because it really is a huge secret that not a lot of people do know and practice and it's like, well, if we can teach those habits to a 13 year old, like what are they going to be doing when they're 30.

You know, when there aren't women in our age, it's like, I've been doing it for eight or 10, whatever it's been and I've seen the impact it's had directly on my life since I've begun, incorporating these things. 

I see it in my kids too. Like the little things. I always like to learn new things. So I do like a cold shower at the end of my shower. I just switch it to the cold bill fast. And my daughter, my seven year old did it the other day, I was like winning, like just little tiny things.

We do high fives a lot. I read like this whole book from Mel Robbins about the power of the high five. I thought I could get excited about it. Yeah. That's exciting. Yeah. And it starts, you know, we're sort of like pioneering that as far as like the, cause if you think about like our generation, everyone sitting in this room, we kind of have this ultra access to this kind of content and we're like absorbing it whether it's through podcasts or books or whatever, but like it's, it's so out there on YouTube and everywhere that I think we're the ones starting.

And then like the generation below our kids. Right. And our students, they're the ones that are gonna come up cause, and they're going to be the ones to have like the ultra impact. Right. Because they're getting it at such a young age. We, I don't think we got that. I did not get that kind of stuff at all in any way, but that's a good reminder that you have a choice in the type of content that's coming out YouTube because it's coming at us fast and I mean, you can choose negative, positive.

Yeah. It brings out all the things in all of us. I'm sure. You know, I mean, I don't know about you, but there are times where I have to check myself and be like, okay, I just need to like, take a break, take a week off. And like, just be with my family. Because especially like in running a business or having a passion, it's like, you just want to create, create, create and inspire, but it's like, hold on.

I need to recharge. I need to like be in the mountains. I need to go on a hike and you'd be outside. Like they need that. You need that time. You need that time. It's just so much content. I think sometimes. You know, overdosing on content like that can actually block you. They does the opposite effect. Like you're, you're, you're constantly going constantly trying to create constantly trying to find inspiration and eventually you're going to burn out and it's like, it's kinda one of those things we definitely need that, you know, we need that unplug time.

Oh, for sure. So since we're talking about content, I want to ask you. Content is usually like filtered curated. There's a picture on your Instagram feed. So if you're listening and you're in the car, you don't know what we're talking about. Just head on over to the veg Fest Instagram handle, and that's Matt beg Fest STB, and you can follow along.

It's from March 18th, 2020. So tell me about this picture. It's a group of people. They're all holding up posters. They're hanging out at the park. I see your beautiful caption here. The caption says uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers. What is anything going on behind the scenes they're like, or what happened at that point?

Cause I think the pandemic did it kick off. Yeah. I mean, it was right on the press, but yeah, it was, it was maybe a few days after that. I, yeah, it was, that was a, not a dark time, but that was tough. Cause we had a lot of momentum going into that event and that was our second one and it was just, we had a lot of press, a lot of things do like in those moments, like you're a very positive person.

Does your family like, see you get super down. Because I want to create this realness, like unfiltered. Like, do you have those moments where you're just like questioning what you're doing? I almost quit. Yeah. Almost didn't do it. It was just like, this is, this is ridiculous. And, and. Yeah, it was, it was, it was really tough.

And so no. Yeah. To sit here and say that, no, I didn't even think of it. Yeah. I almost quit. We almost, we, the whole team agreed. We were like, yeah, maybe we should just like, maybe this isn't for us. Maybe this isn't a good idea. And then it just like, you know, the way the universe does and you pray about it enough and journal about it enough and think about it.

You know, you're going to get clarity eventually. And I just noticed the more I asked for signs, the more I asked for clarity, the more I sought it out, the more it got very obvious that we need to keep this thing going, you know? And so I think it's important too, to not have like one of those like attitudes.

It's like, well, I'm just going to do this no matter what, right? Like you still have to like, sit back. All right. Well, is this right? Like, does it feel right? How does it feel in my body? How does it, how does it resonate when I talk about it? Is it still a passion or am I forcing this? And it was just like, I've thought that so many times with the podcast I'm like, is that just like.

I don't know, again, very spiritual side projects if I offend you, but like, is that the enemy trying to come in and like attack me? Or am I being like too crazy and thinking this idea is going to work out, you know, you question yourself and I think we don't talk about that enough in like creating a business or a passion project is like, there is that doubt.

It's crazy how yeah. You will get people that will just start coming back, coming in, probably encouraging you, like, Hey, when's the VegFest coming back or a vendor reaching out. And it just that's the that's exactly it it's when, so we were like, that's sort of what we started to do is just start putting feelers out there, like, Hey, we're thinking about doing veg Fest again, like as the community, you guys down, like, what do you guys want?

And it was just vendor after attendee, after sponsor, just everyone was just like, yeah, we're doing that. Right. We're doing it right. Like we want to lock in 20, 21 spot. We want to do this. Oh, well, well, let's, let's do it. And so we ended up getting some private venue that couldn't like, they, the city couldn't shut us down if they wanted to.

So like we did, you know definitely. I don't even know if it was legal, honestly, but we were like, well, we were just like, screw it. Like, like we need community. We've been lacking. You want to, if you want to stay home, you can stay home. You want to come, you can just come. Like we're not, we're not doing, there's no craziness here.

You just come and have fun. And the, we literally like, all right, like we told the guy whose venue it was up in and ranch up in Sierra highway. He it's like a wedding venue place. He's like, how many people are you expecting? I was like, ah, like maybe a thousand tops, you know, like a thousand. And it was like, we got almost 3000.

We had to shut the parking lot down. I mean, the literally the line of cars was going from like, when you turn from soda to Sierra highway, To there all the way down to like the gentle barn. So it was like, it was crazy, but it's the crazy thing is that we don't have like marketing dollars. We're a nonprofit, like is our second year.

We don't have, it's literally just like, it's a result of creating something that people want. Right. Which is. To be a part of community to have fun, to, to like, yes, you were never meant to stop this operation. That's what I'm saying. So exactly, exactly. That's kind of how it feels now. And so that's what we're doing.

We're just going to keep going, you know? Okay. So that's a good time to pause cause speaking of people coming in and yeah, I've questioned this podcast, like I said, but we have to. R K studios today. They are allowing us to come in and film here. We are stepping it up a notch here at STV connected. It's not amateur hour anymore.

So podcasting is a medium that's just continuing to grow. And we've been able to find our voice here. And so we just want to keep bringing content to Santa Clarita. You know, those local hidden gems that people that we don't really see a lot in the magazines or, you know, online. So I think you're a hidden gem.

I know you were under 40, under 40, in 2019, but still, I think you need to be a household name. I think, I think, I think likewise, likewise it's and it's really crazy too, when you look at it. Cause it's funny how it, like, I remember one of the idea and it was like 2018 and my buddy and I, and my brother-in-law were like, like we were going to all these vegan events.

LA like everywhere. And we're like, Santa Clarita is the second or the third largest city in LA. Yeah, it is. I just thought it was like voted like the 13th safest or something. I'm like, go STB, but it's crazy. Right. So what you're doing though, with this podcast, it's going to blow up and it's going to continue to gain traction because like, 200, I don't know, 250,000 people, whatever we have out here, your you call them hidden gems.

Like there's, they're everywhere. They're going to be everywhere. And so for you to like, continue like networking and meeting these people and interviewing them and hearing their story and just that is just going to build and it's going to build, and it's going to build, and people are the demand for it's going to be high because it's like, we have a lot of sharp people out here.

We have a lot of, you know, movers and shakers, a lot of people doing cool things out here, and we have so much diversity, but we're so similar in like at the end of the day, what we. A safe community. We want our families to be protected, go to good schools, but on an, a given neighborhood, you can have someone in like a law enforcement and you can have someone in the entertainment business.

And so you have these like different worlds all United in this melting pot. And so I'm like, no, no, no, no. We're not all cookie cutter, same suburban homes and people. We are. A really cool place to live. I mean, we're right outside Los Angeles. Yeah. And have you noticed too? I don't know if it's just like me, but I've noticed it like our, cause you know, our generation, everyone in this room, we are sort of hitting that place now where we're like the next one's in Santa Fe.

We're like the ones making the moves and doing the big things and with the creative ideas. And it's like, I feel like. The city has already transformed so much in that way, but it's getting a lot more so like, like cutting edge, like change, positive things, like things that are popping up and people that are trying to do things that are positive, like, and uplifting.

We're seeing way more of that. Now, granted, I know. And COVID, might've had something to do with that too. Cause like I see the social media for the city, like blowing up whether it's libraries or cities. Okay. I can go on and on and talk about like how much I. Love the city, but I didn't used to, which is so funny.

Like, no, really, dude, that's crazy. I came here and out of school, college, I was like, no, honey, like my husband and I both went to college and lived out here. I was like, we're leaving. Like as soon as, cause I felt like it could be a great community, but I didn't find that right away. I thought it would be like handed to you like, oh, this is like an amazing place.

Like where's the community. And it could be my age. Like I was in college and young, but like, I don't know. I just didn't go out on trails and I didn't go run or write. Utilize everything it had. And maybe that was a little bit of technology, like not knowing, but I didn't appreciate it. And I wanted to leave and now I'm like, oh, I gotta like figure this out from out here.

I'm from the elk valley. So it's further north, but it's again a completely different world because we'd come down here and be like Santa Clarita. Amazing. They got the cool. Yeah, we got the football games on Friday. We're like, dang. It's like dig out here, like COC, the high school play at CFC, like a college.

So always been so cool, but yeah, again, so I built it up and then it didn't feel like that one. Yeah. But no, I appreciate it now having a family and yeah. Yeah. You are especially with a family. Right. And I it's. So like at resonates so much what you said, like. I, I remember, like when we, when I grew up, I was like born and raised out here.

And like, when I graduated high school was like, I just hate the city. Like, I just want to get out of here as a bunch of old people. Like, this is not my vibe. Oh, I need to get, so I went to school up in San Francisco and I was like, I'm never going back, blah, blah, blah. Like, this is way cool. You know, like the hips are kind of hard.

I loved it. And I was like, this is, this is where I'm at, you know, met my, my wife and she lived out here. She's born and raised out here as well. We actually went to cannon together. And you were inducted to like the hall of fame and we, yeah, the glory days and so, but it was one of those things where I was like, okay, well, if I'm going to be planting roots out here, I remember my mom bought me this poster and like, from my classroom, it was said, your vibe attracts your tribe. And I was like, I was like, yeah, that's cheesy. But I was like, at the same time, it's so true.

I was like, if I want a dope community out here in the city, I've got to create it. Like I've got to, I've got to like do something to create it. I can't just sit back and wait for other people to do that. Right. And again, that's sort of where the, I think the seeds were planted for the veg Fest. And we do plan on doing other events because we want to do like a co like a Coachella.

Type experience out here as well. Like with like a big music type, like where the, the, the market or the people, the demographic is our demographic. And younger than that, I still feel like our city's missing. Right. Let's do it. Yeah. Okay. Let me know. Maybe someday we can partner. No, totally. But see, but that's what it's about to me.

So, so again, like if you want. You got to kind of sometimes create it, like what you've done with the podcast and what we're doing over there with  and these events. So, yeah, speaking of which, there are a lot of movers and shakers here, so I, we don't have any sponsors, if you would like to be a sponsor, go ahead and email us.

You can email me at Kelly, K E L L Y S C But I'm going to go ahead and plug the nonprofit, thinking a movers and shakers. We got family promise. It's a nonprofit organization that feels strongly that no child should be homeless that's truly what drives the entire team over there.

So right now they have so many things going on right now. They are in a capital campaign. They are raising funds to help build a resource center. It's going to be an emergency overnight unit. And then they also have this whole brick incentive, or you can purchase the break and have your name on it and it will be there forever.

Cool. So check that out. They have a gala. Let's show them some love that's family promise as So check that out, but we'll just keep on rolling. Cause we have a special incentive. We gotta tell our guests about if they've continued listening so far, we're going to give them something special. Yeah.

Yes we are. Yes, that'd be a 25% off. So tell me, I'm a mom. I'm busy. My kids are involved in activities. I have weekend things going on. Why should I make time in my calendar to attend veg Fest? So I think if that's you and you have kids and, or just other priorities, other things going on, why should we make time for bed?

So I think it's like, we need a few answers. No, no, no. But no, I, I would say there's, I have two immediate responses. The one is, if you have kids is like, we have huge bounce houses and like, like mazes and face painting. And the whole night, like we, we deck it out for the kids. We kind of, we have a lot of volunteers who kind of manage it, take care of it, make sure the kids aren't killing each other.

And so parents can even kind of drop them off and just go. And like, we literally like last year, Probably a hundred kids just running around everywhere. It's like a kid's heaven. Right? So let your kid just come and just burn off all their energy. So they go to bed. Right. So that's the reason why that's a first thing.

Right. And the second one is just like amidst these times where things are so tense and so stressful. And so just heavy, come have fun. Have a beer, have a glass of wine, lit dances, some live music and just try some delicious food and have it like have a good time. It's it's an afternoon. Why not right.

It's 15 bucks. If you listen to this ends up being like eight 50 or whatever that is, we're offering 25% off. Yeah, go on and get your tickets today. You don't want to miss out the coupon code is, are you.

SCB connected. So go ahead and type that in. And Jess, thank you so much for partnering with me. Of course. I can't wait to see the turnout. We're going to have to like recap this and yeah. Like revisit it afterwards. And I just talk about how awesome it was. Yeah. Some perspective and what our plans are for next year, so I can help you out.

So cool. I'm all about collaboration and even family promise, like they're there, the work they're doing is so awesome. And they're such like like heart-centered, you know, obviously helping out homeless children, homeless families is just, you know, I, as a teacher at Lamesa, we are the lowest socio. School in the district, the whole district.

And so we have, it's like 60% of our school is on free or reduced lunch. And our homeless population is huge. So I even have a few homeless students this year. So the work they're doing is crazy. Well, or in such an affluent community but no, there it's right here in our backyard right here in our backyard.

And so, you know, to see that and to see that you're even collaborating with them, that's, it's beautiful. And so I hope I hope your listeners will go and help them out and donate and even volunteer. Just be a part of that. Cause they're, it's incredible work. They're doing. Well, Jess, you lived up to your title.

I have to say, cause your title and your email, you are go ahead. You're the light radiator she flight right here. Well, cause it's funny. I, I I have a friend who she runs a pretty big entity herself. She runs delighted by hummus. I don't know if you've heard of her. She was on shark tank and she. She is in Venice.

 She was the chief Breathtaker and that was her title. And I, and then she had everybody on her team have. You know, a different title that was like, sort of describing the energy or what the contribution they're bringing to the company. And so we did that at Vedge first. So my favorite is, is captain sunshine.

Oh my God. He's just, he's just like this big hearted, just, just good guy. My husband's name Kathy says. Yes. He's always been like so joyful in the morning. I'm like, hold on. I'm not awake yet. I think now with kids, I'm like starting to beat him out. I wake up earlier, but I'm going to call him that tonight and say, Hey, captain

Well there's so mine's the chief light radiator. And then We just hired two new people, so I haven't come up with it yet. So we're still waiting on them, but it's like, it's funny because that's like, there's pressure there because of like, they see like happiness, I'm trying to mind and they're like, oh, cool nickname.

Then you belong when you have like, it's like having a shirt you're like you belong. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll see, we'll see what they come up with. I'll let you know what they ended up coming up with. But yeah, I think your wife and kids for me today, Yeah, we're taking time out of your family and just like, I'm always fascinated the woman behind the man, so I'm sure she's your rock.

She supports you and all this, so, yeah. Yeah. She's awesome. She's a nurse. She's local too. So she really like, you know, she was funny, she was a part of the vet trust our first year and then like, it almost broke her because it's, it's heavy, it's heavy, you know, like that week of like, you know, you've got so many things.

Or like so many plates spinning that like she is she's giving to people all day, all day. So it was very, yeah. And, and the way I it's, like, I think a lot of entrepreneurs are kind of built differently, like, and she wasn't, she did the entrepreneur thing. Float her boat in any way, shape or form. But it's great because of days like this, she sees what I'm doing.

And she gives me that, that freedom to go do an interview or, or do whatever I need to do because she knows. You know, it's for good. Not only is it for a good purpose, but it's like, it makes me happy. If it feels like lights you up, like I'm gonna hit her up after this. And she's just going to be like, how's the interview like this and that.

And she's probably, she won't, I don't know if she'll listen to it because like, she, she I'm like, have you listened to any of my pocket? But it's a thing, though. It is a thing with family where they feel like weird listening to it. Like, I dunno, I give you criticism. Do you want to hear it? Or I dunno. But that's our listeners out there will know, like, if you have a passion, Hey, your biggest fan might not be like, they're gonna support you, but they might not be the one that's like, it's true.

Cause it's hard and it's hard to receive it. Okay. We're on the same page and are your eye notices, but are your lists. Is that demographic like the entrepreneur, like, is that kind of like a vibe or is it more of just like for my episodes have been really health and wellness focused, but initially my viewership, it should be moms that are busy on the go.

So like episodes where they can get information, the answer life, and then that's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah. The health and wellness space, God bless you for being in that because they, that they, we need that a lot right now. Like that's a very, and again, it's one of those things that, or it organically happened.

Like we talked about grief, money, like that's all things. Again, affect your wellness, your quality of life. So we'll see what's coming up for season two. I don't even know stuff or something. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure, you know, the right people will be attracted to you and there'll be here to spread that message.

But I appreciate you even letting me spread mine, because again, like we're just trying to, to make an impact on our city out here. 

I love it. You've convinced me. I will be there. I'm going to purchase my tickets today. And if you're listening, don't forget to log in. You can find justice information for VegFest, VegFest, Seb on Instagram. Purchase your tickets. You have that incentive today for 25% off with the code SCB connected.

Thank you so much for listening today. Thank you Jess for your time. And if you wouldn't mind liking subscribing thank you so much for having me it's honestly been a pleasure and hopefully we can do it again. Sounds good. That's a wrap.